Category - Tutorials

Using Tube Sites To Promote Yourself For Free

If you’re not promoting yourself as a cam girl, then you’re leaving money on the table. Today I’ll cover the basics when it comes to using tube sites for promoting yourself. The best part is that this is absolutely free to do and a solid brand-building opportunity for anyone who wants to grow their personal brand as a model. No sense in waiting, let’s just dive right into this…

Tube Sites

Tube Site Promotion – The Facts

Despite what you might think, tube sites can be a great promotional tool for cam models. The big tube sites get thousands upon thousands of hits to them every single day… that means exposure for you! If you look at free porn tubes as free publicity, and not as negative sites for guys to watch free/stolen porn, you’ll quickly see the positive side to it.

There is, of course, a right way and a wrong way to go about getting exposure using tube sites. If you find your content on a site without your permission, you can have it taken down, especially if whoever uploaded it didn’t watermark it for you. What you should be doing is creating accounts yourself on all of the big tube sites so that you can be in complete control of what content you add.

List of Porn Tubes To Get Started

Most of the major tube sites have some kind of content partner program or amateur payment program. Pornhub, RedTube, xHamster, Modelhub, XVideos, and YouPorn are good places to start.

Basically, all you have to do is create an account (it’s a good idea to make your username be your stage name), and upload whatever content you feel comfortable with (some models will do a few full videos, some might cut out the orgasm part of the video, it’s up to you), and wait for the payments and traffic to start rolling in!

You get paid based on the number of views your content gets since the tube sites will put ads on whatever you upload. Also, be sure to watermark anything you post with your website address or camming profile link.

This will help generate you traffic, increase your fan base, and prevent your content from being stolen off of the tube site and put who-knows-where on the internet.


Some models use YouTube to promote themselves. It works for some and not for others because of YouTube’s strict policies. If you get reported by even one person, they may remove your content or your entire account.

If you do decide to use YouTube, don’t post any nudity, and don’t watermark any NSFW links. It’s best to make your username your stage name and let people find you that way.

Personally, I don’t use YouTube. I’ve found it to be a waste of time, especially since there are adult tube sites already out there. But feel free to give it a try if you want!

You’ll definitely want to put together some promo banners and profile pictures to use on the tube sites.

When you sign-up on the tube sites and go to edit your profile, they’ll usually let you know what size to make the banners. Just crop down a few of your pictures to that size, add your link, and upload them.

Choose wisely which clips you want to upload to the tube sites. I think it’s best to post clips that are within your specific niche and really showcase what your content is all about.

The Webcam Stage Five Clinger

Alright, so today’s topic is rather important. We’re going to be covering something that we hate to have to cover, but it’s necessary. The stage 5 clinger! I hate this person and they end up costing me time and money, so it’s 100% necessary to discuss this with you. Check this out and let me know if you have any questions. Feel free to leave comments below if so!

stage 5 clinger

The Stage 5 Clinger

We’ve all heard of them, and most of us have probably either been one or had one…. but just for the sake of this conversation, we are going to pretend that we all need a definition, and what better source than our trusty friend Urban Dictionary?

Stage Five Clinger: likely to become overly attached, overly fast. Virgins, those on the rebound, and the emotionally fragile are more likely to have this term applied to them.

Example: “Dude stage five clinger just text me again, she wants me to spit in her mouth.”

Stage 5 Clinger

How Many?

As a cam-girl, you will inevitably run into approximately 1 to 1 million stage five clingers through the span of your career. It’s just statistics. *shrugs* Some of you may be sitting there wondering whether or not you have one already? Don’t worry, you don’t. Trust and believe that when you do get one, you will know without question. I like to think of the stage five clingers as an occupational hazard.

Something that comes along with the territory of the profession that we have all chosen to be in. Are they fun? Hell no. Are they entertaining? Of course not… Well, sometimes they are, but usually only because you can’t believe the lengths they go through to have attention. I have banned many a clinger because they don’t know how to abide by rules, and they take so much energy that sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself “is the juice really worth the squeeze?”

What You Must Know

Stage Five Clingers aren’t your normal attached regular, though at first, they might fool you into believing that they are just like anyone else. They will weasel their way into your Snapchat and your cam rooms like the slimy, tricky little buggers they are, so let’s go over some of the signs to be on the lookout for.

1. They become Entitled Little Bitches. Let me elaborate. They start to form feelings and think that they are in an actual relationship with you, so they can’t understand why you don’t spend every waking moment talking to them or giving them something for free because they’ve “given” you so much. This brings me to…

2. “But I’ve given you so much” Cue the eye-roll, please. This is a classic line and will be used in some shape or form at some point. This is where you need to be clear at what the difference between “giving” and “purchasing” is.

3. “Babe, can’t I just have it?” Any variation on this phrase, even a hint of them trying to get something for free after they’ve been loyal spenders is a sure sign that they are starting to feel like they deserve special treatment, and also a big red flag to let you know that you should RUN. RUN FAR AWAY. (unless clingers are your thing.. In which case. JACKPOT!)

4. No Sense of Boundaries .. and when I say no sense, I mean NO SENSE of boundaries. At all. You will start to realize that for some people it is a necessity of reminding them that you are running a business and when you are talking to them you are working. Yeah, it would be nice if this was an unspoken rule, but people forget that your time is money, so it’s extremely important that you maintain the control of everything at all times.

I once had a guy call me on Skype at 5 AM in the morning for no reason except to test his feed and say hi. (Aca’scuse me? Are you out of your mind, bro?!) BLOCKED FOR LIFE.

Didn’t give him the show he was supposed to be receiving the next day and sent him a very long email explaining why he was no longer going to be a client of mine and how crazy it was that he thought he had the right to call me whenever he wanted. Do not EVER be afraid to say “Having the ability to talk with me/contact me is a privilege, one that you can lose and never be able to gain back.” Anyone who has a problem with that is a giant douche and not worth your time anyway.

5. Gets possessive and jealous when you go private with other clients. I feel like this should go without saying, but please, for the love of god, do not let any person get away with this BS. I don’t care how much money they have spent on you, or how much you actually like them. It is one of the highest levels of disrespect (in my opinion) for them to think they are more important than your other clients, or your money.


Now, originally this was going to be the part of the article where I delve into all the different ways that you can handle stage-five clingers, but now that I think about it, there isn’t really much to delve into. You either put up with them and hustle them for all their worth and then cut them off when they stop spending, or you cut them off before they can even start.

If you’re not sure which way is the way for you, see what you’re able to handle without wanting to blow your f’ing brains out. Maybe your tolerance level is that of a saint and you will be able to take on all the clingers of all the lands while taking all of their money.. and that’s what the main point is. Don’t ever let a clinger come between your money and your time. If that happens- they have gone too far. Money over bitches, every damn day.

Avoiding Webcam Scams (Must-Know Tips)

Scams happen all the time. You need to be on alert 24/7 if you’re a cam girl. This article paves the path for models looking to understand how to avoid webcam scams. If you’re not thinking about this, then you are definitely getting scammed now or in the future – TRUST ME. This is perhaps the most important thing you might read today. Find out how to avoid getting completely ripped off by camming consumers today.

avoid webcam scams

How To Avoid Being Scammed On Webcam

Scammer. Scam-artist. Connoisseur of the Scam. Zé art of zé scam. No matter how you slice and dice it, the fact remains the same. If it seems to be too good to be true, it usually is.
Here’s the deal, kids. In this industry, we’re all going to be victims of the attempted scam. Granted, some of them are miserable excuses of an attempt and can hardly be considered “scam worthy” but once in a while, every so often you get the diamond in the rough. The one that either almost gets you, or (god forbid) actually does.

These guys are professionals. Not to be taken lightly. If you aren’t careful, they will come in and steal your sunshine, your panties, your content, and your happiness. So, how do we help prevent these nasty predators from succeeding in their disgusting, freeloading ways?

Stay On Gaurd 24/7

First things first, never let your guard down. Scammers are always looking for a way to sneak in through the cracks and get you to trust them before they pull a bait and switch on you and get a bunch of free sh*t. There are going to be the ones who pretend to be “promoters” on social media and say things like “Hey babe, want a shout out? Can I get some personal nudes and maybe your Snapchat in return?” (ugh. Go die, please.)

AMZN + Paypal Scams

Then you’re going to get the “Paypal. BB? Amazon Gift Cards BB?” guys. The rare occasion does happen where these are really guys asking if you accept this form of payment, but more often than not scammers will send you fake gift cards, send you PayPal and then report your account and get their money back, etc.

Because of this, it’s super important to be extremely informed about all the ways you do accept payment, and never waiver on what you’re comfortable with receiving until you do your research.

Trickle Coin Tony

Then you’re going to get the guys who might even drop a little bit of money on you at first. I call these guys “trickle coin tony.” These are the quintessential starting line-up of the game. They make you think they are legit by purchasing something, might be a big thing, might be a small thing… And then they try to scam you out of your panties by saying that they will “send the money tomorrow.”

Common phrases attached to these kinds are:

“I’m going to take care of you”

“I can’t use a credit card anymore because I don’t want it on my statement”

“I’ll send everything later, you know I’m good for it.”

“I got you.” “I see you” or any other variation on this stupid phrase.

Nope. No. No way, no how.

These guys are trying to get you to lower your guard because hey, they’ve spent on you before, right? That must mean that they are always going to spend on you with their thousands of dollars. Even if they don’t right away… It will pay off in the long haul, right? WRONG-O!

No Rule Bending – Ever

This brings me right into my second point. Do not bend the rules for anybody, unless you are 100% certain that they are legitimate, and even then… be wary. There are many a tale of the regular turned freeloader who pillaged and plundered his way through all the naïve camgirls by land and sea, so stay firm in your guidelines and make them either follow them or leave.

Always read through EVERYTHING (yes, even the fine print), and then if you’re not sure, google it and make sure. Check, and then double-check….and then go back and check it again!
Basically, just make sure to cover all your bases and always be informed, because some of these guys are good. Like…Tom Hardy in everything he’s in kind of good. Not amateur, not easy to spot, and will 9/10 times get the scam stamped with a big red COMPLETE.

Example Time!!

Guy wants Snapchat. He says he’s new at purchasing these kinds of things, acts like he tries to set up any accounts he needs to in order to pay and claims that it won’t work. Asks if he can send a gift card. He sends a “gift card” that asks for you to put in all of your legal and banking information and requires you to start an account in order to “redeem” the money. See where this is going?

This is a great scam because it provides the model with the illusion that he is trying hard to purchase content and is having a hard time. His goal here is to create a sense of guilt so that you will give in to accepting a gift card payment that you don’t normally accept. Then he slides in with one that will be extremely easy for him to either get your information from, or to get a refund on his money after he receives what he’s “paying” for.

The Agency Scam

Another popular scam is the “modeling agency” or the “magazine photographer” that will contact you on social media and say they are interested in shooting (or insert any other appropriate term for what they are claiming here).

Ask For References

Never be afraid to ask for references and samples of their work. It’s common practice to ask for references on an application, and why wouldn’t you want to fully screen anyone that you’re considering working with anyway?

If they can’t provide references, past models they’ve worked with who you can reach out with, samples of their previous work, or proof of what they are saying they can do for you, then move along. They are either scamming you or else they are unbelievably unprofessional, and you shouldn’t want to work with them anyway.


This could turn into a novel on its own if I kept going into details about all of the different ways that people have either tried with me or one of my cam friends, but suffice it to say that if you run your career like it’s a business, you will be able to avoid the majority of the scammers. Keep an eye out, be smart, be safe and if you do encounter a scammer, call them out on social media to warn the other models.

Lighting Guide For Your Cam Space

Proper lighting is one of the most important factors when setting up your cam space. The correct lighting will not only eliminate annoying and unflattering shadows but will also greatly improve the overall appearance of your cam stream. If your room is too dark, your video may appear grainy or just not as sharp. If the lighting is too bright in your room, it could change your skin color and make you look washed out.

Lighting Tips

Lighting Tips For Webcam Models

Amazon offers many options for inexpensive, but professional lighting equipment. For best results, you’ll want three separate lighting sources. The first light you’ll want to set up in front of you, behind your webcam, pointed at you.

You may have to adjust the height to reduce glare, but generally setting it up about the same height as yourself will be perfect.

The next two lights should be on either side of you, but still in front of you. Again, adjusting them to be about the same height as yourself should work well. Some tinkering may be needed to get it just right.

Shadows, Glare, & Lamp Styles

Play around with it until you are illuminated without any shadows, shiny spots, or glare. Don’t make the mistake of setting up a light behind you. Not only will it show up on cam, but it may actually darken your stream.

If you’re still unsure of how to set up your lights, check out our visual guide below…

If you can’t afford professional lighting right off the bat, don’t worry. Regular lights work well too. Now, if you have floor lamps that are around the same height as you, definitely use those.

If you have shorter lamps, put them on tables on either side of you if possible. You can also play around with different bulb shades to see what looks best. Some bulbs will give off a blueish, natural glow, while others will have a yellowish tint to them.

Hanging Lights

Hanging up colorful light strands can be a fun way to add character to your room. Icicle lights dangling from the ceiling behind you is a nice touch.

Or attaching Christmas lights around the frame of your bed or couch looks cool too. You can even get light strands with your favorite characters on them: Hello Kitty, Star Wars characters, etc.

cam girl lighting guide

Visual Guide To Setting Up Your Webcam Room Lights


This first image shows an overview of how you will want to set your lights up in your cam room. One light directly in front of you, behind your webcam, and two lights on either side of you, pointed at you, placed in front of you.


Your main light will be set up behind your webcam, directly in front of you. You’ll want to position it at about the same height for best results.


Your second light should be placed on the left-hand side of you, but still in front of you. Make sure it’s pointed at you and at the same height as you.


Your final light should be on the right-hand side of you, but still in front of you. Again, make sure it’s pointed at you and at the same height as you.


This last picture is a POV shot of what your setup should look like. Notice the three light sources, all pointed at you: one in front, one to the left of you, and one to your right.


This should be plenty of information on how to set up a cam room with damn near perfect lighting. If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.

I’m here posting these blog updates and tutorials to help you and other cam girls just like me. There’s a reason why I’m sharing my thoughts, and it’s not just for the heck of it. It’s to help you and others out!

Streamate Features That You Need To Know About

So, this is in fact a review of Streamate, but I’m writing it to share the most important features with you. Find out why I love Streamate and why so many models choose this over other camming platforms.

streamate features

Streamate Review

When deciding which cam site you want to cam on, checking out Streamate is a great option. Unlike some sites where you can perform sexual acts in public, Streamate does not allow below the waist nudity unless you’re in a private chat session. The benefit to this is that your content won’t get stolen as often and distributed all over the internet and you don’t have to beg for tips. If someone likes your look, personality, or the things you offer, they’ll take you into private for a show.

There are three different kinds of shows you can do with Streamate: private, exclusive, and gold shows. For private and exclusive, you set your own rate that your fans pay per minute. Generally, your private rate will be set lower than your exclusive rate.

Streamate Features

Block Sessions

You can also choose to offer block sessions. Block sessions are “bulk” chat sessions where your fan pays for a committed amount of time with you (15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes).

Depending on the length of the block session they choose, they get a discount off of your normal rate (5% for 15 minutes, 10% for 30 minutes, 15% for 45 minutes, or 20% for 60 minutes).

Once you have accepted a block session offer, you must stream for the entire time block, otherwise, you won’t get paid and you could face account suspension.

Private Chat

In private chat, multiple fans can enter your room and watch the show. Because of this, most models will not take requests and just kind of do their own thing and put on a more general show. This way everyone is satisfied.

1)Exclusive is one-on-one, just you and the one fan who took you exclusively. Since it’s just you two in there, this is where you can take requests, use their name, roleplay, perform fetishes, and put on a more personalized show for them.

Gold Shows

Gold shows are a bit different. When starting a gold show, you put in your room topic describing what you plan on doing in the show, how much each fan has to contribute to the show in order to watch it, the amount of gold (1 gold= $1 USD) you want to collect overall in order to start your show, how long your fans have to get you to that goal, and how long of a show you’re gonna put on. If you reach your goal before the timer is up, you’ll definitely start the show.

If you don’t reach your goal in time, you can decide to cancel the show (none of your fans who tipped in will be charged and you will not be paid anything) or go ahead and do the show anyway. If you’re pretty close to your goal, it’s a good idea to just go ahead and start. Some fans will wait until they see if the show actually starts or not before they join. So you may end up hitting your goal during your gold show.

TV Broadcasting

Streamate also has a very cool (and profitable!) newer feature: TV Broadcasts. These shows used to be broadcast on live television, but their television partnership has ended. However, the feature is sill active and a great way to pick up new fans!

TV Broadcasts are very similar to gold shows. The main difference is that they are guaranteed shows. This means that even if you don’t hit your goal, you still get paid your entire goal! If you don’t hit your goal, Streamate will compensate you about 30 minutes after your broadcast has ended.

TV producers hand pick who to give TV Broadcasts to and they set your goal based off of the average you usually pull in during a gold show. Another small difference is that you must turn off all music and move anything that could be a copyright infringement out of the view of your camera.

Rankings In Site

Your ranking on the site is partially based on ratings that your fans give you. Fans are prompted to rate you between 1 and 5 stars after a private or exclusive session. When they first enter the show, be sure to encourage them to rate you 5 stars afterward. Some models will even offer a video or photo in exchange for a 5-star rating.


And that takes us into another feature on Streamate: their messaging system. The way the messaging is set up on the site, you cannot message a fan unless they message you first.

Make sure you always let your fans know this if you offer them a video or pictures after a show so that they know to message you first in order to claim it. Sharing any personal information/social media accounts/other usernames/other websites is against the rules on Streamate.

But anonymous file sharing, such as through Dropbox, is allowed. Be sure that there is no personal information or watermarks (unless watermarked with your Streamate username or URL) on any of your videos or photos that you offer.

Model Centro

The final feature on Streamate that we’re gonna delve into is their integration with ModelCentro. ModelCentro is a CMS platform that allows cam models or independent models to easily run their own fansite. If you have a website through ModelCentro, you can link it with your Streamate account and advertise that link when you’re broadcasting on Streamate.

You cannot give your actual website URL out, but instead, a banner will be automatically generated on your Streamate profile. When your fans click that banner, they’ll be able to sign-up for your ModelCento website. Streamate and ModelCentro both keep a portion of your earnings when you get sign-ups this way.

Your fans’ membership will automatically renew each month until they cancel. When they sign-up to your ModelCentro site through Streamate, you can also offer them a percentage off your private or exclusive shows while they’re a member of your site.

Global Rankings

Steamate’s current global ranking according to Alexa is 10,465 and 4,845 in the United States. Not as good traffic as some other cam sites out there, but still decent. If you like the idea of private shows as opposed to public shows (like the ones you would do on sites such as Myfreecams), Streamate is one of your best options.

Streamate Video Review

Do you want to compare how Streamate compares to other webcam sites?

Want to see how Streamate compares with other webcam sites. We review each of the major webcam sites. We do a full in-depth comprehensive feature review, as well as listing the payouts, alexa rankings, Us Traffic % and more information helping you make the decision if Streamate is really the best cam site for you.

Setting Up Your Cam Space

Looking to set things up so that you can successfully cam? Well, then you need your cam space on point! This article shares the most important tips for setting up your webcam space for success.

cam space setup tips

Setting Your Cam Space Up Correctly

Setting up your camming space properly is incredibly important. You’re gonna want to choose an area that is private, visually appealing, can accommodate everything you plan on doing, and is comfortable for you.

setting up your cam space

When fans enter your cam room, the first thing they see is you, but the second thing is the overall appearance of your space. They want to see good lighting, no clutter, and decorations/props that fit your niche.

If you’re into bondage and/or domination, maybe try adding some whips, handcuffs, or a strap-on somewhere in your room. If your thing is playing up being a cute, young teen, make your room bright, colorful, and girly. This helps the customer know what you’re all about without even having to ask. It also helps make the experience more genuine and real for them.

The Cam Wheel

Depending on the site you cam on, having a poster, neon dry erase board, or chalkboard in the background is a great idea. It encourages engagement and sometimes competitiveness! You could have a list of your top tippers for the month.

That will encourage your fans to compete for the number one spot on that list. A sign could also be used for informative purposes: such as listing videos you have for sale, contests that you’re currently holding, or a tip menu. Be creative with it!

Be Comfy

Figuring out the surface you want to work on is also important. You want to make sure you’re comfortable, that way you can put on your best possible show every time.

Some models are most comfortable on a bed, futon, or couch. Some prefer an office chair. Some models even cam from the floor! Figure out what best fits your needs. Or maybe even switch it up from time to time depending on the kind of show you’re doing.


As we talked about in a previous article, webcam lighting is crucial. Getting the correct lighting equipment and positioning it correctly will make all the difference in the appearance of your cam stream.

You’ll be able to eliminate shadows and get rid of any graininess. After all, your customers are there to see you. Make sure they’re actually able to! Click Here For a Visual Guide to Webcam Lighting

Holidays Rule

Take advantage of the holidays! When there’s a holiday coming up, switch things up and decorate your cam space for that particular holiday. Not only is it fun, but it gives your fans something new to talk to you about. You’re bound to get flooded with compliments!

You can also use the holidays to run special holiday-themed contests and giveaways. If it’s Valentine’s Day, write their username on a heart if they tip a certain amount.

Or hang up a customized ornament for them around Christmas time. Again, be creative here and do something that your fans can engage in. Now your space is all set up and you’re ready to go!

Instagram Advice For Models

Instagram is one of the hottest social media outlets going right now. Not only is Instagram easy to use, but you also don’t need to compose a whole lot of written content; people are using Instagram to see pictures and as a cam model, that’s really your calling card.

If you’re new to Instagram (check out this platform’s profile), or you haven’t thought about using the social media site to further your cam career, it’s time you started thinking about it!

Before you jump onto Instagram and start flooding it with your pictures, consider these 9 tips that will help you to make the best out of your Instagram experience and increase your followers and engagement, thus increasing your chances of making big bucks in your cam modeling career.

instagram tips

9 Tips for Using Instagram as a Webcam Model

Here are some of the most important tips and tricks that you need to know if you’re camming and working that IG angle or DMing on the gram. Take this advice seriously and take action accordingly!

#1: Post Good Photos

Instagram is completely photo-based so you want to make sure you’re only posting good photos. As a cam girl, you and your body are your money-makers, so you should be pretty adept at making sure you are always looking good on-screen. Become the selfie queen and take as many pictures as it takes to get the “right” shot.

You should also consider using photo-editing apps to enhance what you’ve already got going on. Now, I’m not saying you should edit yourself from looking like a troll into looking like Beyonce, because that is only going to upset anyone who decides to follow you in the cam world. What I am saying is there are excellent apps for improving your photo lighting, clarity, contrast, brightness, as well as providing interesting filters and collage capabilities. Just don’t overdo it.

The best tidbit of advice I can offer on posting good photos is to make sure they’re clear, high-quality, colorful, realistic, and interesting. More interest=more followers.

instagram selfies

#2: Post at the Right Time

Before you post your amazing-looking photos to Instagram, you want to consider when they’re most likely going to be seen. The majority of Instagram users check in the morning, in the evening, and on the way home from work. According to the stat-gathering company, Simply Measured, the best time to post on the old ‘Gram is on a Wednesday between 5-6:00 PM.

For someone promoting their brand, which you’re doing as a cam model, the worst time to post is overnight. See, Instagram posts only have about a four-hour life before they are buried in followers feed. Consider when your followers are most likely to be on Instagram and make your posts accordingly.


#3: Use Appropriate Hashtags…But Use Them Sparingly

Have you ever looked at someone’s post and seen that they have what seems like hundreds of hashtags? It’s annoying and half the time those hashtags don’t even match up with what that person posted.

Hashtags definitely improve the visibility of your photos and can help you to get new followers who may not know anything about you. To ensure that you’re using the right hashtags for what you’re promoting, give Google a little search. You can also consider using the most popular tags, which include: #tbt (Throwback Thursday), #cammodels, #camgirl, and #followme.

I would recommend that you avoid the hashtag paragraph at the end of your photo and stick with 1-3 relevant hashtags per photo to avoid pics that look cluttered.

post on IG

#4: Post Often

If you want to keep your regular followers interested, and the new ones curious, you have got to post new content on a regular basis. Too many cam models start an account, blast it with pictures and content, then let it fall off.

This doesn’t mean you have to blast out 100 photos a day. In fact, posting once a day, or once every other day is enough to keep everyone happy and avoid losing followers who get bored waiting on you. If you don’t keep your posts on Instagram on a fairly regular basis, don’t be surprised when you lose followers.

#5: Interact with Your Followers

The biggest mistake you can make as a cam girl using Instagram is to ignore your followers. By not responding to your most loyal followers is a surefire way to drive them away. You want them to feel valued, not ignored, and underappreciated.

Make sure to respond to their comments and go to their account to “like” a few of their pics. If you want to figure out who are your biggest followers, you can use an app like Iconosquare to track comments and see which users are interacting with you the most.

sending DMs on IG

#6: Contact Your Followers on DM (Direct Messaging)

Something that goes hand-in-hand with interaction is using direct messaging (DM’s and same goes for Snapchat). You want to keep your account going with pictures as much as you can, but sometimes you want to save something for those followers who are your most loyal. This is where you want to utilize the DM’s to send those users something a little more special; something you’re not planning on sharing with the general public.

instagram contest

#7: Host a Contest

One of the best ways to encourage engagement is to host an Instagram contest for your followers. Not only will that get them excited, you can set rules that will help increase your following, such as having them tag a set number of friends to make their entry valid. Just make sure you make good on that contest and award the winner their prize, whatever that might be.

buy followers

#8: Never Buy Instagram Followers

Buying Instagram followers has received a lot of attention lately and while some people think it is a good idea, I’m not one of them. You see, you can get a nice chunk of followers for a decent price, but most of those supposed followers are inactive accounts. If your account shows that you have over 20,000 followers, but you have almost no follower interaction, it’s a sign to real users that your account is cheesy, possibly fake, and not worth checking out.

To be successful on Instagram, you want to stick with real followers and not give in to the temptation to bump up your numbers, so they look good on paper.

#9: Use Shoutouts

It’s just basic math: the more followers you can reach out to, the better for your brand. Shoutouts are another way to increase that following. Shoutouts are basically two users agreeing to give the other person a shoutout on their own account. This is a way to market yourself and get promoted to followers who may not be familiar with you.

The method of using shoutouts can definitely increase your follower count by thousands, so give it a try.

instagram advice

Conclusion: Instagram is a Great Tool for Web Cam Models

As a webcam model, a lot of your work will be in promoting yourself. Many models think that staying on their chosen camming platform will be enough to get them the money they want to make, but that just isn’t true. Any woman who wants to be truly successful in the cam world needs to work on cross-promotion to get themselves out there in the world.

Social media has exploded in the past few years and it remains one of the best ways to drive up interest in what you’re selling, which is essentially yourself. If you want a way to do it quickly, easily, and with a site that has tons of users, Instagram is the way to go.

Webcam Model Forum Etiquette

Webcam forums are filled with people. Like TONS of people and that makes it really hard to control all things, all the time. If you’re unsure as to how to conduct yourself, then this article will certainly help you understand more about the topic. One thing I cannot stand is consumers and models with poor forum etiquette. This article explains everything you need to know about conducting yourself properly on forums.

Webcam Forum Etiquette

Cam Model Forum Etiquette

There are tons of forums out there, maybe you have experience with most of them, but then again maybe you don’t. Hey, I’m not one to judge. At least until you start to wile out like you’re the mean girl in a 1980’s movie. (Trust me, girl, that is never okay and people WILL be laughing at you if you’re actin’ a fool on forums for everyone to see.)

On a serious note, if you haven’t ever checked out forums, there are some that can be really helpful. Just a quick google search and you will be able to open up a world that you never knew existed. An entire community of other sex workers that support each other and become lifelong friends. There are forums out there that let you interact with your fans and create new fans with a really immersive community-type feel, and industry forums where you can network with hundreds of industry moguls.

That being said, there are definitely things that you need to take into consideration when you’re deciding to sign up and become an active member.

webcam forum etiquette

Things To Consider Before Starting Threads

Before starting a new thread to start a topic or ask a question, make sure that the answer isn’t already out there in another thread.

I have seen newbies on forums torn apart because they didn’t take the time to look around and read the previous threads, or do any research on their own. I hate to say it, but most of the time it’s a thread started about the simplest question, where the answer has been talked about a million times already.

Here’s the deal…

All of us take the time to get on these forums and give advice, offer support, share our tricks and tips with people (newbies to the cam game included) so it’s almost like a slap in the face when someone comes on the forum that no one has ever heard of and doesn’t take the time to put a little work into figuring out some things about breaking into the cam industry on their own.

Don’t take it personally. You need to understand that it seems as though every other week there is a wave of new cam girls that come barreling in thinking that it’s all rainbows, sunshine, and butterflies shooting out of our asses, over here. They think they’re going to make $3000 their first week out, and all it takes is an ass smack or a titty shake.

Pro Tip: Just because you’re pretty and cute and all the boys in your high school wanted to bang you, doesn’t mean that you’re going to succeed as a cam model.

So for someone to walk in and expect us to give them the secrets to success like it’s a spirit stick from Bring It On (the original, obviously) is insulting. If we all did it the hard way, so can you. Especially since you might not last more than 2 months once you realize it really isn’t all that easy. At the end of the day, every model is our competition, and the fact that we all decide to get on and share trade secrets should be respected, not taken for granted.

Use your time wisely, read the forum, and comment in other threads for a few months before starting your own. Become a part of the community and you’re going to have a much better result.

Always make sure to read the TOS for the forum.

This sounds like an easy one to remember, and maybe it is and people just decide to break the rules, but either way please do yourself a favor and make sure that you know what is and isn’t allowed to be talked about before you start rambling off at the fingertips.

Understand what type of forum you are on.

If you’re on a forum where there’s a group of sex workers that all talk and support each other, make sure you aren’t posting threads and trying to spam for promotion or with referral links to your affiliate sites/items. That’s rude and disrespects the safe space that they have created and culminated for so long.

Interact With Fans

If you’re on a forum where the key point is to interact with fans, then make sure that you are actually taking the time to talk one on one with them (Great example: FreeOnes) and utilizing the platform to recruit new fans and build some solid relationships. That’s why the guys are on there, to be able to talk to their favorite porn stars/adult models, not to just read post after post about what’s new on your website that they should join.

If you’re on an Industry forum make sure that you are keeping it professional. Everyone enjoys a good laugh, but if you start spouting off without regret, you will create a bad name for yourself very quickly, word will spread and people will not want to work with you. You never know when you’re going to need connections so networking is a really important piece to building any career. Don’t burn bridges unnecessarily.

Treat everyone with R-E-S-P-E-C-T

I feel like this one should definitely go without saying, but *sigh* some people these days just don’t know how to do this. I’ve said this before and gotten the “Well, you have to give respect to get it” line. Everybody deserves respect to start with until they give you a reason to take it away. So when someone is genuinely trying to help you, or pointing something out about a rule on the forum, don’t respond with a snarky comeback.

Take all advice (yes even constructive criticism) and use it to improve. Whether it’s by NOT using the advice given or by actually using it. It still will teach you what/what not to do… and we can always be improving our craft.

Conclusion: Chat On Forums Now That You Know The Rules

So go out there and start to network and become part of the forum world communities. If you need a list of the top webcam forums for webcam models, you can click here. There is a lot of fun that you can have and a lot that you can learn. Just don’t be a giant twat waffle about it.

Getting Started And Becoming A Cam Model

I cover a lot of things related to camming and streaming live. However, many models just don’t know where to start. This article covers some of the basics to help you understand what’s needed to get started.

getting started as a webcam model

Getting Started Being A Webcam Model

These steps are in order, so best to follow the order. Read through everything then take action…

What To Do First

So you want to be a cam model? Now that you’ve made that decision, it’s time to get yourself all set up. If you don’t already have high-speed internet, it’s time to upgrade. Your internet speed plays a big factor in your ranking on almost every cam site. To test your current internet speed, run a speed test at

The main thing you’re gonna want to look at is your upload speed. If it’s below 1.0 Mbps, you’re gonna want to upgrade to something faster. This will not only make your cam stream run smoothly but will also reduce the delay in your chat room when interacting with fans.

Next Step

The next step is getting a laptop or desktop computer that can run the software needed to cam. Every cam site has its own software, and there’s even additional webcam software that you can download from the internet.

Some are more advanced than others and require a faster computer. If your computer remains near 100% CPU or lags when running your camming software, it may be time to upgrade. A computer with an i7 processor (or its equivalent) and 3 GB of RAM or more is recommended for optimal performance.

If possible, it’s also a good idea to use a wired connection. It’s usually faster, and much more reliable than going wireless. To set up a wired connection, you just connect your computer to your modem or router using an ethernet cable.

Next Up – The Webcam

We can’t forget about the webcam itself! Even if you have a newer laptop with a built-in camera, you aren’t going to get the quality that you get with an external webcam. Aside from that, it’s nice to be able to pick up and move your camera around for some shows.

There are two webcams that every established cam model will recommend. The first is the Logitech C920. You can pick one up on Amazon for around $70-$75. It’s a great camera that shoots in full 1080p HD. If you’re looking for a camera with some extra features, the Logitech BCC950 Conference Cam is a great option.

This camera also shoots in full 1080p HD. One of the perks of this camera is the remote control that it comes with. With the remote, you can move your camera in all directions and zoom in and out without having to physically move your whole camera.

It has a noise-canceling microphone built into it, so your fans will be able to hear you loud and clear even if you’re moving around, dancing, far away, etc. This cam is a bit more expensive though. On Amazon, it will run you around $200.

The Lighting Comes Next

So you’ve done all the upgrades, but your cam stream is still looking dark or grainy. Good lighting can make all the difference! Natural lighting is great if you’re camming during the day, but professional lighting works just as well… day or night!

You can find inexpensive, professional webcam lighting on Amazon. There are some decent ones on there for around $50. When positioning your lights, you’ll want to place your light sources in front of you, behind your webcam.

This way it’ll light up your face and make you look vibrant. You may need to adjust the height or position of your lights to prevent glare, especially if you wear glasses. But with just a little tinkering, you’ll be able to get it just right. Never use fluorescent lighting! You may think it’ll work well because of how bright it can be, but it’s very unflattering on cam.

Video On How To Become A Webcam Model

Well, those are the basics! Now you are ready to select a webcam site to work on.

Offering Adult Skype Shows For Money

Skype is a great platform for offering live adult shows. Some models have reservations about using Skype because they’re scared of getting ripped off. But there are adult-friendly payment processors out there that you can use to prevent getting scammed.

Skype Sex Shows

Profiting From Selling Skype Shows

The first is SkyPrivate, and they are a great choice to go with. You can use SkyPrivate to charge your fans per minute for Skype shows. All you have to do is download and install their plugin. It counts the minutes you’re on Skype with each customer and bills them per minute.

There’s also the option for the customer to prepay for a show and send you the full payment beforehand. If it’s done that way, you’re responsible for ending the call after the agreed-upon time.

Pay Per Minute

You choose your own per minute rate and can change it at any time. You can also set it up so that different customers are charged different prices. This can be useful if you have a customer who does frequent shows and you want to offer them a discounted price.

Aside from just the payment processing part, their platform shows you up to the minute statistics. They also create a profile page for you that you can use to advertise on social media. They have a built-in widget to create promo banners too. When you first sign-up with SkyPrivate, you keep 75% of everything you make. But you can keep up to 80% by referring paying members or models.


The next option you can use to accept payments for your Skype shows is Paxum. They’re similar to PayPal, but they’re adult-friendly. Getting started with them is easy, and cashing out is easy as well. They charge a withdrawal fee, but that is the only charge associated with them.

To receive your payment via check, there is only a $5 fee. To withdraw via wire transfer, there is a $50 fee. I’ve always received my payments by check, and have never had a problem. They generally get to me within 5 days of cashing out.

Some Sites Allow Skype

Some camming sites, such as Myfreecams, let you advertise on their platform that you do Skype shows. You can charge your customer the currency on that camming site beforehand, and then do the Skype show either right away or whenever you and your customer are both free. Putting it on your camming profile that you do Skype shows and mentioning it occasionally while you’re on cam is a great way to get the word out there about your Skype shows.

Say NO To Paypal

One thing you never want to do is accept PayPal. They are not adult-friendly and your account will be permanently banned the second they find out what you’re doing. Any funds you have in your account will be held for months before you can withdraw them. And PayPal will not let you create a new account with them.

Besides that, you can easily get scammed if you use PayPal. Your fan can pay for a show, do the show with you, and then call their bank and ask for a chargeback. Since you can’t prove what you were offering (since anything adult is against PayPal’s TOS), your customer will get his money back and you will have done that show for free.

Conclusion: Skype Sex Shows Pay Great

When done correctly, offering adult Skype shows can be very profitable. A lot of guys prefer Skype over other camming platforms because it feels more personal. Also, the video quality is often better and there isn’t a delay in sound.

Video About Selling Skype Shows – Made For Webcam Models

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