Category - Tutorials

Cam Model Profile Image Advice For Everyone

Your profile and image are super important to your success. Yes, I said super important because it’s that important! This article will cover everything I have learned about images and your profile in general. Having spent tons of time chatting with cam users, I can give you all the tips and pointers that I’ve learned over the years. It’s safe to say that I’ve optimized my profile via my image over the years and I know what works and doesn’t work!

cam profile image tips

My Detailed Webcam Model Profile Image Tips For Success

A model’s profile is one of the most important things about her. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the biggest pains about camming. Most girls just want to get out there and make money with their bodies and that’s more than understandable.

The problem is that you need to entice people into your cam room before you can take off your clothes for them. No, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. You’d think that offering your naked body to people would be more than enough to get them into your room. Think about it from their perspective, though.

They have thousands of options to choose from. No cam site user can even get through the homepage without seeing at least a few dozen naked women. They can give their money to any of them that they want. The thing you have to realize is that it’s not all about the naked boobies.

Viewers want to know what they can do with you once they start paying you. They want to know what you’re offering them. If a viewer wants a girl with interactive sex toys and paddles, he or she isn’t going to waste their time on a girl with neither. That’s why they’re always going to check out your profile first.

Be Reasonable With It

When you sit down to make yours, spend a few minutes deciding on how active you want to be with it. You can really put anything you want there, so make sure you figure it all out before you commit yourself. If you don’t want to force yourself to update it every single day, stay away from information that you have to change.

This can be your camming times, the outfit you’re planning on wearing, or even your thoughts for the day. If you can work out a regular schedule then you might want to be a little forgiving with it when you post it. Don’t promise to be on during certain hours every single day when you know you won’t be able to make it.

Just say that you’re usually on from around this time to that time on these days. That’s going to keep you from having to constantly change it and it’s going to keep your viewers from being there and getting upset when you’re not around for them. Just speak generally and you’ll never let anyone down.

Tell Them What You Have To Offer

If your hours are pretty important, then letting people know what you have to offer them is super important. This is what’s going to drive them to your room and it’s tricky to lay it all out via text. Naturally, what you do on your cam is up to you, but you still have to advertise it.

First up on this list is whether or not you offer tip menus. If you do, show it all right on your profile. Make sure you update it if you ever change it. This is the one thing that should be as accurate as you can make it. The next thing to add is if you have interactive sex toys. These things are highly sought after by the users, so if you have them, make sure you advertise them.

You should also list your settings for them. Tell them exactly how long and at what intensity each tip is going to mean for the toys. Each viewer has his or her own preferences and they’re going to make sure that anyone they watch matches them as closely as possible. It’s how you get them into your room and not someone else’s.

Jazz It Up

After you figure out all that, you may want to consider making your profile nice and flashy. That might require a little bit of know-how. Most cam sites let you use HTML in your profile. If yours does then you really want to consider using it.

It doesn’t have to be anything too intense. Learning a little bit of it will go a long way here. Just figure out how to post links, lists, and how to make text bold. That’s going to make you stand out a little bit and that’s really the name of the game here.

Use Photoshop

The thing about Photoshop is that it’s super expensive. Actually getting the newest version of it can run you almost $1,000, and that’s not even taking their ridiculous monthly options into consideration. Still, if you put in enough effort, you can find older versions of it for free.

If you don’t want to go that route, you can always try to find one of the many online equivalents. Then you can start making a great image to put in place of text on your profile. Just spend some time checking out the profiles that the other girls put up.

There are a large number of them that simply have a giant Photoshopped image with all of their information on it. It’s flashy and it draws the eye. If you can get something like that, and make it unique to you, you’ll always have people checking you out.

Link To Your Side Hustles

Once again, and just like everything else, what you offer on the side of your cam sessions is up to you. There’s really no limit to the ways that you can use your body to make you money. Some cam girls like to sell their worn panties.

Others sell their used sex toys. Some of them even sell their clothes after they’ve been stained with bodily fluids. What you sell is up to you, but make sure that you always link to it on your profile.

The viewers who really like you are always going to want more of you. If you have it all linked and listed on your profile, they’ll be able to exchange money for it, whether or not you’re online. It’s one of the best uses of your profile and will keep the money flowing in.

Conclusion: Put Time Into Your Image

Look, the bottom line is quite simple. You need to care about your image. This is what makes or breaks your success in the adult camming world. Put in your work and make bread, like me. I promise you will be successful. If you have any issues, just reach out to me and I’ll gladly help!

Recommended Article: Brandi Love Cam Profile Optimization Tips

Kik Webcam Advice For Models

Today I’m covering all things Kik-related and whether or not people are making money on this platform. If you’re a cam girl, then you’ll want to read this closely. The Kik app just might help you make a ton of money!

Kik App Webcams

Kik Camming Advice For Girls

Whether you’re a cam girl, a phone sex operator, or even someone who sells your own porn videos, you’re probably looking for more ways to make money directly from your clients.

Sexting and selling photos and videos are always a great idea, but you have to know the best way to go about it. No one wants to simply hand out their phone number so people can receive their work.

It opens up a massive world of identity theft and stalking. That’s why the best way to directly interact with people is on Kik. It’s easy to use and you can set it up so you bring in money by the month.

Getting Started

All it takes to get yourself started is to download the app and create an account. You can use an e-mail address or a phone number.

Even though the app goes out of its way to keep your information private, using an e-mail address is still the safest bet. You never know when a data breach might happen.

If they don’t have your actual phone number then you never have anything to worry about. Once you’re up and running, you can interact directly with your clients.

Sign Up For Premium Subscription Sites

Now it’s time to make sure you can make money from your Kik account without having to worry about it. The easiest way is to simply sign up for a premium membership service.

There are a lot of them out there and you don’t really have to do anything. You’ll be able to direct your clients right to them so they can sign up for themselves.

Then the service worries about collecting your monthly fees while keeping a small percentage of it for themselves. Now all you have to do is send out your messages.

Kik And Fetish

Just because of the way that it’s designed, Kik is a great way to sell your femdom services to men and women. They can sign up through your service provider and you can use your app to send them daily or weekly tasks to carry out for you.

It’s easy and it keeps them actively interested in all of the things that you have for them. You can also use it to reward them with your images and videos for carrying out your tasks to add a whole new dimension to what you have to offer them.

Kik And Sexting

Of course, at its base, Kik is just great for sexting. It can be a service that you offer while you’re not on your cam or you can use it while you’re live on cam.

Subscribers will be able to contact you directly while you’re in your cam session to make them feel like they’re standing out from the pack in the chat room.

It’s something that lots of viewers are interested in doing and there’s never going to be any lack of new people who are willing to sign up for it once they see how much attention it gets them.

Advertise It

Now that you have your Kik all setup and your viewers know how much they love it, you can start advertising it on your cam account. Just make sure that they allow it.

Not all platforms allow you to advertise any outside media. It just takes some focus away from them and they never really know what you’re selling. As long as you can advertise it, do it at every single opportunity that you get.

Paste links in your profile and advertise the services in your chat room. The more people who sign up for it, the more people you’ll have in your room talking about it. If you have a Kik client in your chat room while you’re online, tell them that you just sent something to them on Kik in the public chat room.

It will make everyone else in the room want it for themselves. It’s all about advertising and the more you do it, the more money you’ll make. There’s nothing better than the feeling of knowing exactly how much money you’re going to be making in a month because it’s all coming to you through paid subscriptions.

Conclusion: Make Money On Kik

There’s plenty of opportunities to make money here but you must make sure you’re doing it right. Be sure to consider everything I’ve mentioned above and you’ll likely win big.

SPH Webcam Advice: How To Run Small Penis Humiliation Shows

Having spent tons of hours performing for SPH fetish fans, I know all about small penis humiliation and camming. Here in this article below I basically share all that I know about doing these shows and how you can truly profit big time by doing so.

SPH cam show advice

My Advice For Cashing In On SPH Cams aka Small Penis Humiliation

Small Penis Humiliation, or SPH, is a very common fetish among submissive men. They’ve spent their entire lives knowing that they’re small, and even been humiliated for it in the past. It weighs so much on their minds that it turns into a fetish for them.

When something like this is all-encompassing and part of everything you do, it’s not strange for the person to start needing it in order to achieve erection or orgasm. That’s how a fetish works and using SPH in your shows is a great way to keep your customers coming.

Be Confident In Everything

Men seeking out SPH as a fetish aren’t very likely to want it from just anyone. They want it from a femdom who can take control of them and order them around.

It makes them feel small and that’s really what they’re after. If it’s something that you want to offer then you have to be confident in everything that you do.

No sexually dominant woman in this position is ever going to question herself or her actions. She’s also never going to ask for feedback. Just decide what you want them to do and stick with it.

SPH Cams

Insult Them All The Time

These men who are after humiliation want it to be as verbal as possible. That means that you have to be mean and insult them. Call them worthless every chance you get. Call them pathetic.

Laugh at them and make them feel small and miserable. That’s what they’re after and it’s what they’re paying for.

It’s what you have to give them if you really want to keep them coming back for more. The more you humiliated them, the more they’re going to want it and that’s how it should work out with everyone.

Use Objects In Cam 2 Cam

One of your best tools in SPH is Cam 2 Cam. If your viewer is willing to pay for you to watch them, use it to your advantage. Have them compare their penises to small objects, like tiny batteries or pencils.

Make them hold them next to their penises and tell them how much bigger and more satisfying the tiny object must be.

It also works great if you have the same kind of object with you. You can hold it up to show them just how small it is when you try to use it.

SPH For Big Penises

One thing that you’re likely to come across are men who want to enjoy SPH, even though they have large penises. You can still do some of the same things, but you have to keep the illusion going.

That means that comparing them to small objects is out. If they can clearly see that they’re much bigger than it, they’re not getting what they need. It’s best to find some other way to humiliate them. Insult the shape of the penis and call it disgusting.

If it’s long but thin, focus on the thinness. If it’s thick but short, focus on the length. The main goal is just to find a way to let them know that what they have could never satisfy a goddess like you.

How To Increase Cam Score & Profile Visibility

There are ways to increase or improve your visibility aka reach on cam sites. It has a lot to do with your cam score. In this article, I cover all the things you need to know if you want to improve your reach and overall score as well as visibility. Let this article serve as a baseline for growing your visibility to become a popular cam model.

Increase your cam score and visibility

Tips For Increasing Your Cam Score

Most camming guides focus on the same few points over and over again. They tell you how to interact with your viewers, how to manage your tips, what to offer on your cam and things like that. Those are all major aspects of your cam sessions that you have to think about, but they’re not the only ones. One of the biggest problems that new cam girls can have is getting their visibility up.

It’s a struggle that you have to deal with from the very first second that you decide to start camming all of the way until you decide that it’s time to hang up your sex toys. Increasing visibility isn’t just about getting people into your room. It’s about being seen on the cam site that you’re using so you have as many potential viewers as you can possibly get.

Any time someone logs into their cam site of choice, they have to find someone who looks interesting enough to spend money on. If they’re like the vast majority of users out there, that means they’re going to be choosing from the first 25 or so cam models that the site decides to show them. The trick of it all is making sure that you’re one of those 25.

Understanding Your Cam Score

All sites use a cam score. They may not call it that, but it always works the same. You get yours attached to you every single time you log into your cam. It will change the entire time you’re online and decide where you show up on the site’s main page.

How it works is pretty convoluted and no one ever really explains how they work it out. Basically, it always depends on the amount of time you’re broadcasting and the amount of tokens or credits you’re taking in. This, in turn, tells the site where to put you in order of your overall score. Let’s say that you’re online for ten minutes.

If you somehow manage to get 1,000 tokens in this time, your score is probably going to be pretty high and you’ll be near the top of the list. If you’re broadcasting for twelve hours and only have three tokens to show for it, you’re going to be very low.

That means that, in order for anyone to find you, they’ll have to scroll through page after page of model to get to you and decide that you’re worth their money. Keep in mind that this is an extreme oversimplification of the way that the cam score works.

No site ever tells you how they’re reaching their own specific numbers. There are still some things you can do to make sure you end up at the top of the list, instead of at the bottom.

Start Out Naked

This is a trick that can’t be overlooked. It’s something that can rocket you right to the top of the cam score listings. The only things that viewers have to go on is your thumbnail when they scroll past you. Seeing a girl who’s already naked, and very obviously so, it going to make them flock to your room.

It’s telling them that you’re already in the middle of some action and they can just slip right into it. They don’t have to wait for your goals to get hit to see what you have underneath your clothes for them. It will help you to get a large group of regulars that are always on the lookout for you.

If you want to save your nudity for later on in your sessions, do it after you get those regulars pouring in.  to start just log on naked and it’s going to drive your traffic.

Offline Content

The one thing you should know above all others is that offline tips count just as much as online tips. They have the power to change your cam score overnight. Just think about it: if you cam for five hours and make a certain amount of tokens, you’re getting one cam score when you log off.

Now consider offline content. These are videos that people have to spend money on to see. If you have a good amount of them, and they’re selling, all of those tokens you’re making will affect your cam score. You’re still recorded as only having been broadcasting for five hours, but now your tokens have exploded without you having to do a single thing.

It’s a surefire way of manipulating the algorithm in your favor and it’s completely allowed. All you need to do is post some videos for people to buy when you’re offline and you’ll be rising through the ranks when you’re sleeping, eating, shopping, or anything else instead of always being actively online and camming for your viewers.

Interactive Sex Toys

Finally, if you want to be anyone in the cam world, you have to use interactive sex toys. These are a must. If you don’t have them, you’re never going to be as popular as the girls that do. You’re also never going to make as much money as they do.

You really need them to be successful in camming, no matter what your niche happens to be. These are toys that your viewers can set off with their tips. You have dozens of them to choose from and they all do something different.

Once you set them up, viewers will be able to pay you to see your reactions to them. There are toys that you insert, toys that go on the outside, even toys that are overdesigned pistons with dildos on the end of them.

Using these it going to drive tips and bring you right to the forefront of the cam score. Get them as early in your camming career as you possibly can and always have them on. It’s what you need to get in front of the eyes that belong to the people who want to give you money and there’s really no way around it. Interactive sex toys are your best friends.


If you do all these things suggested, I promise that you will for sure see a jump in rankings amongst other models. You’ll see a major surge in fans and earnings overall too. Trust me on this, I’ve done this long enough to know what works and what doesn’t.

See Also: 

Myfreecams Camscore Explained In Details

Advice For Non-Nude Cam Girls Looking To Profit

There’s one major misconception in the camming world, that’s that all cam girl have to get naked. That’s their job. If you’re on cam then you’re on it to take off your clothes for the people paying to watch you. That’s not necessarily true, though.

The main goal of camming is to create a connection with your viewers. They’re not just there to see naked women because they can be getting that anywhere. They’re there to interact with women and connect with them. That makes it completely possible to be a cam girl that never takes off her clothes. Trust me, I’ve been there and done that. Today I’m sharing what I know about surviving and succeeding in non-nude camming categories.

Non-nude cam tips

Non-Nude Webcam Modeling Tips

Here’s my quick tip article for succeeding as a non-nude cam girl. It’s not easy, but it’s doable and lucrative if you get things really going. This is everything you need to know.

It’s Definitely More Difficult

The thing about it is that it’s definitely going to be more difficult to get started. Most of the people on cam sites still want to see the women they’re talking to get naked. It’s going to be a bigger challenge to establish yourself as a non-nude cam girl, but it’s still possible.

You just have to make sure that you’re all about your own personality. You have to talk to people and engage with them. You have to be completely open about your life. If you’re thinking that you can just sit on a cam with your shirt on and get paid then you’re just wasting your time.

It Should Still Be About Eveningwear / Lingerie

Even if you are still completely clothed for your entire private cam session, you still have to wear something that’s revealing. There’s a balance that you have to strike and it can take some getting used to. Sure, the people watching you may be okay with just talking and getting to know you, but they still need a sexual aspect.

They could just talk to people on the bus if they were just starved for human interaction. Wearing lingerie or tiny shorts and a cut off can make all the difference. Now you’re teasing them with your body and that’s almost as good as getting naked for them.

You just have to make sure that you make it clear that you’re not getting naked. If they go into it expecting to see skin, they’re not going to walk away happy. Write it all over your profile and in your chat box.

Once it’s understood by everyone who visits your room, you’ll find that the complaints and the trolling will ease up. You’ll be able to just do your thing with your clothes on.

Don’t Think You’re Classy

The biggest mistake that any non-nude model can make is convincing herself that she’s classier or better than the girls who get paid to show their vaginas. You’re not. No one is better than anyone else.

You’re still working on the same cam site as they are. You’re still relying on tips from total strangers for money and that’s fine. Having an air of arrogance in your room when you won’t even take out your tits is going to sink you faster than anything on a cam site.

Just understand that you’re exactly the same as the girl who’s puckering her butthole on the cam right next to yours and you’ll be in a much better place. You’re still there to entertain and to interact with people.

That’s the job and being humble about it is what it takes. Always understand that and you’ll be much further along than a lot of the other newcomers on the site. Everyone always wants to see themselves as being different from the other girls on a cam site. They’re not. Everyone is exactly in the same place and it’s much better to work together than it is to work separately.

Being Clothed Won’t Save You

The other, possibly even more, important thing to keep in mind is that keeping your clothes on isn’t going to save you if you get found out by an employer or loved one. If you’re running the risk of losing your job by being on a cam, you won’t be able to make the case that you never get naked in your defense. Being on a cam site is still being on a cam site.

It doesn’t matter what you do or what you refuse to do. It’s all still going to look the same to them. There are plenty of other safety precautions that you can take. Most cam sites let you block out a specific region when you sign up.

That means that if your life and job is in the Pacific Northwest; you can block that entire area from seeing you. It’s the best way to make sure than your employer never comes across you on your cam. It’s how most cam girls go about keeping their camming lives private from the people that they don’t want to know about it. Just wearing a shirt isn’t going to cut it.

Be Open To Transitioning

As you cam more and more often, your comfort levels are going to change. As such, you should always have it in the back of your mind that you may decide to transition into a full blown, nude cam model. The simple fact is that you’re going to make more money by taking off your clothes. That’s just the way that it is.

You should never fully refuse to do it. If you find yourself thinking that it’s more and more okay, just give it a shot. You can always go back to being a non-nude afterward. You might just find that you like it a whole lot more than you thought you would.

Conversely, if you’re a nude model, there’s nothing at all wrong with transitioning into a non-nude. You can still make money and you might already have a base of people who come to spend time with you.

Just let them know that you’re changing things up and the ones who want to stick with you will be able to. No one can ever force you to take off your clothes on a cam site. What you do when you’re broadcasting is always up to you.

Conclusion: Give Non-Nude Camming A Try

If you’re looking to do this, great – you got this! There is without a doubt, money in non-nude cams. Trust me, I know and have successfully done private shows without removing any clothing. But, you must understand it’s much harder than nude shows. Profiting is a bit tougher, but once you get going, the cash flows like fine wine.

Become A Cam Girl By Doing These Things First

After receiving a ton of newbie questions on how to get started, I’ve decided to put a simple list together of what’s needed to kick things off as a cam girl. This will not be a super exhaustive list. It’s the basics to help quickly feed information to girls looking to start camming. I’m also doing this because I am getting so many basic questions from people.

Become A Cam Model Tips

The Very First Things To Do When Becoming A Cam Girl

Read this list and follow the links referenced. I’ve laid out everything that models need to know if they want to get started. Literally – EVERYTHING. Well, I won’t cover the deep in the trenches stuff today like squirting on cam or crazy stuff like that. But this is the basic cam girl stuff. If you have any questions after reading my other articles, please do continue to reach out.

name tag

Create Your Camgirl Name

This is the first step to success. You need to create your name. Don’t use your real name because that’s going to lead to trouble.

Instead, create a catchy, brandable, easy to remember name. If you’re into a specific niche, then I suggest using something related to that niche. If not, then go broad and brandable, but keep it catchy.

Social Media Accounts

Setup Social Accounts

Okay, do NOT sleep on this one. Make sure that social media handles are available and secure them as soon as you can.

I’ve heard so many stories of models creating a name and brand, then not being able to secure the social and sure enough, someone launch jacked their brand.

Don’t let this happen or you’ll be sorry. Setup the basics, which are Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc.

Read The Rules

Sign Up For A Platform & Read The Rules

Get signed up on a camming platform. There are tons of them out there to consider joining. My advice would be to do your research, but if you’re looking to just get started, then join

This is the up and coming platform that everyone is using. It’s pretty much a guarantee that you will make money at Camsoda because it’s so new and popular.

Now, don’t just sign up. Make sure you understand the rules and regulations here. If not, you could lose out on all your earnings.

The adult industry is getting more strict and they need to protect their platform, billing and brand in general. They are not going to sacrifice their entire operations over one model that wants to earn a few extra dollars. So, please know the rules.

computer meme

Understand The Tech Requirements

You’re going to need a computer and a webcam at a minimum. Understand the most basic tech requirements as a model. It’s not necessary to spend thousands of dollars to get started.

The startup costs of modeling are low. Just kick things off with the bare minimum, but understand all that’s needed.

block people

Block Local People

Many girls may choose to skip this but I’ve done this and really suggest you do as well. Blocking local people aka geo blocking your local IP area will prevent people in your hometown from being able to find you.

This is important as you really might not want locals creeping on you. On the other hand, some models (not me) connect intimately with locals and make a ton of money from them. The choice is yours really, but I choose privacy.


Setup Your Profile

Next up, set your profile up with a solid description, bio, physical attributes and more. Leaving a half-ass profile on a cam site or even worse, a blank one, will lead to no money.

Do you want to make money? Great, then put in the basic work of providing consumers information and you’ll succeed.

Let's Talk

Learn How To Start Conversations

You need to know how to start conversations with consumers. Work on ice breakers, convo ideas and things of that nature.

Cover non-political trends, events and holidays happening in society today. Talk about things that you like and even better, things that you love.

Do Your Research

Research Show Ideas

You should do your research. Find out what types of shows other models are doing and think about how you can incorporate the same into your work.

Do your research. I’ve covered a lot of show intel over the years on Please look around for ideas for shows.


Start A Blog – Time Permitted

Last but not least, if you can start a blog, then you should. Consumers love reading posts done by models. They love reading about their days and just life in general.

This helps give them insight into what you’re doing and why and trust me, it typically leads to them buying more private shows. This is the very last thing that you should be doing to kick start things. Do everything else first.

Conclusion: Just Do Them

So, those are the most important things you need to do if you want to start out as a cam girl. Do them in the order that I’v presented and put in the effort up front.

This will help you succeed in the long run and if you cannot do this, then you should rethink becoming a cam model. It’s just scratching the surface, but trust me, the money will flow if you do things right.

Feel free to reach out to me with any other questions or concerns that you might have!

XOXO + High-Five ~ Sarah

Do Sugar Babies Have To Sleep With Sugar Daddies?

This article covers the sugar babies and sugar daddies relationship and whether or not you are doomed if you do not sleep with your “daddy.” Guess what, not all sugar daddies demand sex. You’ll find out why below. Here’s what you need to know if you’re looking to profit from a sweet sugary relationship – WITHOUT the sex.

sugar babies sugar daddies no sex relationship

Can You Be A Sugar Baby Without Giving Them Sex? YES!

If you’re thinking about entering into a sugar daddy and sugar baby relationship then you probably think that having sex with your daddy is a necessity. That’s the way that most of these relationships work, after all.

An older, well to do man seeks out a much younger and attractive girl and pays her a monthly allowance for her time and plenty of sex. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Just because it’s the way that most of these relationships work out doesn’t mean that it’s the way that yours has to work.

It's Different

Some Daddies Want Something Different

The simple fact of the matter is that there are some sugar daddies out there who want something very different from their sugar babies. Some of these men really just want someone to spend time with them. Others just want an attractive young girl to take out on the town.

Still, others have a fetish that they need to be fulfilled. Sometimes that fetish is as simple as having someone rely on them and ask them for money. Other times, the fetish is financial domination. No matter what the reason for it, there are plenty of sugar daddy relationships out there that don’t require sex.

It's your Call

Having Sex Is Up To You

Of course, none of this is to say that you should always work to avoid having sex with a sugar daddy. It can be an extremely fulfilling experience for both of you.

After taking so much of a man’s money, it’s only natural to want to thank him with your body. As long as it’s up to you, the sex can be a lot of fun and something that you end up craving and looking forward to. Just be open to anything that comes your way.

It's Just Not Gonna Work

Sometimes It Doesn’t Work

There are going to be some times when the relationship just doesn’t work. There are always going to be men who think that the sugar relationship is all about paying for sex. Then there are girls who feel that they’re entitled to someone else’s money and want to do nothing at all in return for getting it.

Neither of these two things “sugar” relationships. If there’s a daddy who wants you to do things that makes you uncomfortable, all you have to do is walk away. There’s always someone else for you to meet out there. Oh, and trust me, you will run into the average fuck boy from time to time. It’s inevitable, so just roll with the punches.

Let's talk

Negotiate The Relationship First

The very best thing that you can do for yourself is to simply work out the details of the relationship before it starts, including money. Just lay it all out on the table and let him know what you’re willing to do and what you expect in return.

He’ll likely come back with his own expectations and offers for you. Just find a middle ground and make that the basis of your relationship. You just can’t get any better than knowing what to expect before your relationship ever starts and it will save you from a whole lot of frustration down the line.

Conclusion: Do It and Have Fun With It

No matter what your relationship ends up being, just make sure that you have fun with it. It’s an experience that not everyone gets to have. On top of that, you’re only going to be young for so long.

Once you pass a certain threshold, you’ll have to offer increasingly specialized sexual services after you choose this as your lifestyle, until you’re only good as a granny offering your services to men who are the age that you use to be when you started this whole thing.

7 Most Popular Sex Toys Perfect For Webcam Models

Working as a live cam model means that you always have to find something to make your shows as fun and appealing as possible. You have to keep the people coming in and make sure you’re giving them a real reason to stick around for your shows. The best way for you to do that is to simply make sure you have the fun kinds of sex toys that you can use to give them something that they want to watch. Here are the most popular sex toys for cam models all over the world. I should mention, these are great to use in both premium private shows as well as live free cam shows.

Sex Toys For Cam Models

These Sex Toys Are Just Perfect For Cam Girls

All of these toys are those that I’ve either used or have heard first hand from other models on what they do and how they work. Look, you need sex toys handy if you’re a cam girl and these are the toys you should consider using today.


Lovense Vibrators

The top of any sex toy for cam models list is always going to be taken by Lovense vibrators. These are toys that can be turned on and off by tips or apps.

The viewers get to control the intensity of the vibrations and the models get to enjoy all of the tips that it takes to set them off. They come in all shapes and sizes so you can have a toy for every situation.

There are clitoral vibrators, G-spot vibrators, and even vibrating butt plugs. If you have a need then Lovense can fill it.

WeVibe toy


Next up is the We-Vibe. This is also a remote control vibrator, but it won’t work with tips. It’s best used in private shows on Skype. It’s controlled through an app, so you’ll have to give your viewer access to it.

Once they have it, they can control the vibrations and their intensities. The best-selling toy they have to offer is the Chorus.

It’s a U shaped vibrator that’s meant to hook onto the model’s pubic bone to stimulate both her clitoris and G-spot at the same time. If you really want to enjoy your show as much as your viewers then this is the toy you need.

The Cowgirl Toy

The Cowgirl

If you’ve heard of the Sybian then you know exactly what this toy is all about. It’s a saddle that the model can straddle while it vibrates them to an unstoppable orgasm.

What sets this thing apart is that you can control it with an app. That means your viewers will be able to set it off whenever they want and you’ll just be along for the ride.

There’s plenty of add ons for the saddle, including vaginal and anal vibrators to enjoy with it. Trust me, this toy is amazing.



Once again, this is a toy that’s best used in private shows and on Skype. It’s a fully functional fuck machine that won’t break the bank.

It can be controlled by an app that puts total control into the viewer’s hands. It can be set up to 240 strokes per minute and adjusted for anything from 2” to 6” of vaginal penetration.

If you really want to be taken for a bang on your shows then this is the very best way for you to do it. It’s safe and it’s as pleasurable as it can possibly be.

Liberator Toy

Liberator Pillows

Moving away from high tech to low tech is the Liberator Pillow. This is a simple thing that can make all the difference in your cam shows.

They’re all designed to get you into the best positions for any kind of cam action. They make it comfortable and they can be outfitted with sex toys.

These pillows will take any sized vibrator or wand so you can ride them without getting yourself into a position that makes it painful or difficult to achieve orgasm. No matter what else you use, make sure you get yourself one of these pillows for your shows.



The Domi is a mini wand that acts as a competitor to the Hitachi magic wand. It’s compact and much more useful than the usual wand. That’s because it’s interactive and can be set off with tips.

You can also use it in your private and Skype shows when you want to give out access to the app. It’s a powerful wand that never lets up and is perfect for full vulva stimulation.

It’s an experience that you just can’t get with any other kind of toy on the market and any model who uses it is going to love it.



Finally, we come to the Womanizer. This is a toy that directly stimulates the clitoris and nothing else. It uses a sucking sensation that most women find irresistible.

It’s not interactive, but people will line up to watch any cam girl use it. The reason for that is that a powerful orgasm is pretty much guaranteed any time that it comes out.

On top of that, it’s the go-to toy for any girl who wants to experience the soaking ecstasy of a squirting orgasm. Being able to do that on cam will keep the viewers coming day after day.

Try Them All

These are the most popular sex toys for cam girls on the market. Try one or try them all. No matter which toys you get, your viewers will love them. These are the top of the line and there’s a very good reason for that. They simply work and they’re fun.

No one can resist them once they come out. You’ll see the difference in the number of people in your room right away and you’ll never want to go back to your old ways of doing shows ever again. Get your collections started today! Lastly, I should mention that many of these can be found on Amazon, so be sure to add them to your wish lists!

How To Deal With The Webcam Fuckboy

What Is A Fuckboy

If you’re reading this, then you know what I’m talking about or you’re at least remotely interested in learning all about the webcam fuckboy. The fuckboy aka fuckboi might be the most annoying cam user of them all – NO LIE. Today you’ll learn what they are, what they’re all about, and why you should avoid them at all costs. For those of you models scratching your head or perhaps even rolling your eyes, just stop and read this. It’s one of the important things to know. Perhaps even more important than making money.

fuckboy gif

What Is A Fuckboy?

The definition of a fuckboy is quite simple. It’s a guy who plays with girls feelings or tries to ask (even beg) for things without a care in the world. They’re annoying AF and typically broke jokes. Have you ever heard any cam consumers say…

“Hey baby, can I just get some nudes real quick, please? Pleasee? Pleeeeaaaassseee?”

F*#& Boys are the worst. They are taking over the world and the worst part about it is that they are evolving and are disguising themselves. Sometimes they’ll even trick you into thinking that they aren’t a f*$& boy by buying something! But, one way or another, every F*$& Boy’s true colors show.

fuck boy

Four Types Of Fuckboys To Avoid

Here are the 4 main types of fuck boi losers that you’ll want to run away from – FAST.

F**k Boy Number One:

The F*$% BOY Fan

I logged onto my Instagram the other day only to be bombarded with a million messages from a million different “promoters” who were asking me if I wanted a shout out. Now, I’m new to the Instagram world but I have a couple of pages that promote me regularly out of the goodness of their heart. They must genuinely like the look that I will bring to their page, I suppose.

So, when I respond with a “sure! Thanks!” I can always assume that they are going to write back with one of two things. One will be them thanking me and saying they are going to take pics off my page. The other response is something along the lines of “can u send personal nudes?” or “you have a Snapchat?” (I’ll delve into the Snapchat f**ck boys in just a moment, as they are a breed all on their own.)

It’s not just Instagram that you can run into these little posers, they exist on every platform you can think of. Twitter has them, Instagram, Snapchat, probably Periscope.. Although I haven’t personally encountered them there.

Read this next part carefully because I want it to really sink in. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE FREE THINGS FOR PEOPLE TO PROMOTE YOU. This really shouldn’t ever be a give/take situation. There are plenty of quality promoters around that will promo you without asking for anything more than maybe the occasional fan-sign. If someone is asking you for anything from a free pic to a free skype show, tell them to go F off and die.

Those are what I like to call F**ck Boy Fans. They are dumb, immature little twits who think that because they are a fan of the industry that they will be able to take advantage of the women who are actually in the industry.

F**ck BOY Number Two:

The Snapchat F$%*Boy

I’m sure that by now we are all aware of Snapchat Takeovers and how they work. They tend to vary from Snapchat to Snapchat. Myself personally, I only do takeovers when they allow me to have control for a

full day. I don’t do really well with schedules so I hate being tied down to a 2 hour time period. (I want them to know me, damnit!) I also don’t ever do full shows, I only do the snapchats that are for me to promote my brand.

That being said, with the Snapchat phenomenon there is a whole new breed of F**ck Boy that we now have to deal with.

These silly little boys think that because they have a Snapchat and can get a couple of rookie girls to take them over, that they are all of a sudden in the actual adult industry. Give me a break. *eye roll*

Worse than that, they will come at you with all kinds of things. Telling you about “how the industry works” (uhhhh…hello? Are you really trying to explain how the industry that MY CAREER IS IN works?! Are you stupid?) and more often than not they will talk to you like you are a dumb girl who doesn’t know anything.

Personal example: I was contacted on Tumblr by someone asking me to do a takeover. I asked who they were and how many followers they had? They responded and I told them that I was willing but I wanted it for a whole day. Get ready for this part… he came back with “A whole day? HA! Maybe 8 hours tops, anything more than that and you’ll have to pay” …….


I felt like that needed a moment of silence.

Bro, you asked me to do the takeover, not the other way around. Why would I PAY you? Who the F**ck are you?

Someone else tried to get me to take over their account, do a full cum show that THEY were charging people for. HA! Give me a break.

Ladies, when you encounter a Snapchat F**ck Boy, please give them the reminder that they aren’t actually in the adult industry, and that they can go suck on some balls.

F**ck Boy Number Three


I don’t know about you, but I find these to be the most annoying out of the bunch. They are constantly saying things like “aye girl, I got you baby! You soooo fine, keep doing what you do. Wanna fuck? I got a big 10 inch schlong and I can rock your world.”

Oh yeah? You’ve got a 10 incher? You and everybody else that I’ve talked to in the past 30 minutes. It’s a good old fashioned dick off!! You’d think they would realize that we don’t actually give a damn what they look like as long as they have the money to pay. You want me to call you a big boy and talk about how you’re the best damn thing I’ve ever seen? Pay up, pretty.

F**ck BOY Number Four

The Cam F*$% BOY

Slightly less prominent but not any less annoying, the dude who comes in your room and goes “Hey, I’m a cam model on here too, we should do a show together!”

Err… how about no? First of all, super unprofessional and second, why would I want to do a show with you? Does that line actually work on literally anyone? I cannot imagine a scenario where a girl would be like “Hell yeah! Sign me up! Here’s my name and number, my address is this if you wanna come on over next week and fingerbang me in front of a webcam!’ Sounds great!”

Ew. There’s just so much NO happening right now.

Whichever way you want to break it down, F**ck Boys are here, and although they can disappear for a while, they will always come back with force. Learn how to have witty banter and make them feel like an idiot, or better yet convert them into paying customers, which we all know is the only acceptable form of F**ck Boy there is.


Odd Vaginal Insertions Fetish On Webcam

Here’s what you need to know about trying to incorporate odd vaginal insertions and extreme vaginal fetish insertions for cam shows. This tells you and other models what you need to know about performing these shows for models.

odd vaginal insertion tips

Everything You Must Know About Odd Vaginal Insertions On Cam

One of the biggest fetishes that a cam model is going to come across is the odd insertion fetish. This is just what it sounds like. It’s inserting odd objects into your body. If you find yourself looking around the kitchen when it’s time to tend to your own needs in the bedroom, this might be perfect for you.

It has a large base of fans who are always seeking out cam models that are willing to do it for them. Here are some ways that you can get into the odd insertion fetish without harming yourself in any way.

What Is RACK?

RACK stands for Risk Aware Consensual Kink. That means that you know the risks associated with your fetish and that you’re doing everything in your power to do it all safely. You always want to practice RACK.

Never let yourself get into a situation where you’re risking your health. No amount of money is ever worth that. Just makes sure that you’re always safe and you’re always ready to say no to something that crosses the line into dangerous territory. If it looks like it will damage you, pass it up and find something else.

Avoid No Edges Or Corners

Never just pick something up and have sex with it. You always want to run your fingers over it and make sure that it won’t tear your skin. Make sure that there are no rough edges or sharp corners on it. These will cause an injury that will lead to much bigger problems.

The inside of the vagina is some of the most sensitive skin on your body. If you cut it then you’re going to know about it and it’s going to cause an incredible amount of pain and injury. Never try to shove a square peg into a round hole.

Swear Off Of Sugar

The next thing that you always want to avoid is sugar. Your body’s pH is a very delicate thing and sugar throws it off immediately. You’ll be risking a yeast infection each and every time you introduce it. That means that you want to stay away from certain fruits and vegetables.

One of the most common objects for people to request is the carrot. This is always a bad idea. These things are almost nothing but sugar. It will coat everything that it comes in contact with once it meets the warmth of your body and causes you problems.

Never Use Glass

You never want to use glass that isn’t meant to be a toy. The glass that you find in those is made of Pyrex and very sturdy. If you use a glass or a jar, you’re going to regret it. These things simply aren’t designed to have pressure pushing them in from the outside.

They’re going to shatter and they’re going to cause you a whole lot of problems and pain. If it happens to you, you’ll likely require surgery and will live with the side effects for the rest of your life, included reduced sensitivity in your vagina.

Anal Insertion Is Trickier Than You Think

You may be a huge fan of anal sex. You may also think that it gives you a huge advantage. If you’re willing to go weird with your ass then you’re miles above the girls who are petrified of simply taking it up the butt. While you’re right about that, you still have to be careful.

The vagina has a cervix that lets you know that you’re too deep. It stops objects from going into your ovaries. The ass doesn’t have a cervix. If you go in too deep, you can lose whatever you shoved up there and that’s just embarrassing.

Give It A Shot

With all of this said, you still shouldn’t be too afraid of odd insertions to not try it. You can access a massive number of fetishists who are looking for a model to do it for them. There are plenty of cam girls who refuse it. If you can offer it then you’re picking up a whole lot of money that they’re leaving on the table.

If it’s something that you’re already into, you’re even further along. Just bring your love of strange things inside you into your cam shows and enjoy it. It’s the best way to make money while you’re having a good time. That’s something that you just can’t find in many industries. Try it out and see if it’s at all for you. You might be surprised at what gets you off.

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