Category - Tutorials

Hacks To Succeed On OnlyFans

Are you interested in learning how to succeed on OnlyFans? OnlyFans has emerged as a popular platform for content creators to monetize their work and connect with their fans. Whether you’re a creator looking to generate income or a fan seeking exclusive content, it’s important to approach it strategically to achieve success.

In this guide, we’ll explore various tips and strategies to help you navigate the world of OnlyFans and maximize your potential. From creating engaging content to building a loyal fan base, we’ll provide insights and recommendations to help you succeed on OnlyFans. Let’s dive in and discover the keys to thriving on this unique platform.

OnlyFans Tips For Models (Hacks)

What is OnlyFans?

OnlyFans is an online platform that allows content creators to share and monetize their content directly with their fans. Launched in 2016, it has gained significant popularity, especially within the adult entertainment industry.

Unlike traditional social media platforms, OnlyFans operates on a subscription-based model, where creators can charge a monthly fee for access to their exclusive content. This content can include photos, videos, live streams, and even personalized interactions with fans.

It offers a more intimate and direct connection between creators and their audience, providing a space for creators to showcase their work and fans to support them financially. While it is often associated with adult content, OnlyFans has expanded to include various genres and interests, allowing creators from different backgrounds to share their content and connect with their fans in a unique way.

Hacks to Become Successful in OnlyFans

Are you looking to succeed on OnlyFans? Here are some valuable hacks to maximize your success on the platform. From creating high-quality content and engaging with your fans to promoting your profile and building a loyal subscriber base, these strategies can help you thrive and achieve your goals on OnlyFans.

Leverage your Social Media Channels

Promoting your OnlyFans page is crucial for success, and social media is a powerful tool. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit can help you grow your following and direct traffic to your profile. While Twitter and Reddit allow adult content promotion, Instagram requires a “safe for work” approach.

Redirect your Instagram followers to your OnlyFans through your bio or Stories without overwhelming them. Additionally, social media allows you to maintain anonymity by using an assumed name, which is common for creators of adult content on OnlyFans. Maximize your exposure and reach by leveraging the potential of social media promotion.

Paid Shotouts is a Must

Need help figuring out where to advertise your OnlyFans? Here’s the good news and the bad news. The bad news is that paid ad platforms like Facebook may not be available to you. But the good news is that you can utilize paid shoutouts, a popular method on Instagram.

Collaborating with influencers in your niche can help grow your social media following, which in turn can attract more followers to your OnlyFans. Consider starting with micro-influencers (10k to 25k followers) and gradually work your way up. It’s crucial to research the influencer’s engagement rate and ensure their following aligns with your target audience.

You don’t have to spend a fortune on paid shoutouts; you can begin with a modest budget of around $10 and increase it as you see fit. Start small, gain traction, and build your presence over time.

Leverage Subreddits

When it comes to hacking your way to success on OnlyFans, Reddit is a platform you should pay attention to. Joining niche-focused subreddits can be an effective way to promote your OnlyFans, provided the rules allow it.

Some Reddit users even include their OnlyFans links in their profiles. For creators of adult content, there are numerous NSFW subreddits where you can share your content and entice others to subscribe to your OnlyFans for more.

If adult content isn’t your focus, don’t worry. There are plenty of other subreddits that cater to different niches where you can promote your OnlyFans to attract more followers and subscribers. Find the relevant subreddits based on your niche and establish yourself as an authority figure to gain attention and grow your presence on OnlyFans.


Consistency may not seem like a groundbreaking hack or trick, but it is the key to success on platforms like OnlyFans. Whether you’re creating content regularly on OnlyFans or on your social media accounts (which can help attract more followers to your OnlyFans), maintaining consistency is crucial. The more consistent you are, the higher the likelihood of gaining more followers and eventual subscribers.

Moreover, consistency plays a vital role in retaining your followers and subscribers on OnlyFans. However, being consistent doesn’t necessarily mean creating content every day. You can establish a schedule that works for you, such as posting a few times a week.

It’s your time, and you have the flexibility to manage it as you see fit. You can even inform your subscribers about your content release schedule, like posting on specific days of the week (e.g., Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays). By maintaining consistency, you build trust and keep your audience engaged.

Regularly Ask for Tips

If you want to maximize your earning potential on OnlyFans, it’s important to go beyond just subscription fees. One effective strategy is to encourage tips from your subscribers actively. You can incorporate a call to action for tips each time you post new content, whether it’s an image, video, or during a live stream. Many content creators on OnlyFans generate significant additional income through regular tips.

Another tip is to pin your tip menu on your profile. By listing specific items or services alongside corresponding tip amounts, you make it easy for your subscribers to understand what they can receive in return for their tips. This approach is particularly beneficial if you offer various digital or physical products, as you can promptly provide the appropriate item to those who tip the specified amount.

By implementing these tactics, you can enhance your earning potential on OnlyFans beyond subscription fees and create additional revenue streams through tips and sales of various products or services.

Target Market

While it may not be considered a hack, selecting a niche for your OnlyFans content is an important tip that shouldn’t be overlooked. By choosing a specific focus or emphasizing your unique qualities, you can attract a dedicated audience. By narrowing down your competition, you can target a core group of subscribers who are more likely to invest in your tailored content. Additionally, with a niche approach, you’ll face less competition in providing that specialized content.

Choosing a niche is not mandatory, but it’s worth considering as it can significantly contribute to your success on OnlyFans. As you become more experienced in managing your content career and have the time, you can even create additional profiles on OnlyFans, without any limit. This opens the possibility of exploring multiple niches and adopting different personas.

By leveraging platforms like Reddit, which have niche-specific subreddits, you can effectively connect with individuals actively seeking the type of content you create. This targeted approach enhances your chances of reaching the right audience and growing your subscriber base.

Shoot for Likes

If you’re aiming for increased exposure on OnlyFans, starting small and focusing on accumulating likes can make a significant impact. You can subtly encourage engagement by using call-to-action statements like “Like this if you…” This strategy includes even liking your own content, as it does contribute to the overall count.

Likes on OnlyFans are given by your followers and subscribers, and they hold more significance than just a number. They serve as social proof, indicating the popularity and quality of your content. With a higher number of likes, you increase your social proof, which in turn enhances your chances of achieving greater success on OnlyFans.

Create High Quality and Unique Content

When it comes to content creation on OnlyFans, quality is of utmost importance, especially if you want to stand out from the competition. However, it’s not always necessary to invest in expensive cameras or video equipment, especially when you’re just starting out.

While high-quality equipment can certainly enhance the overall production value of your content, it’s more important to focus on delivering content that resonates with your audience and showcases your unique personality and style. Many successful creators on OnlyFans have started with basic equipment and gradually upgraded as their following and earnings increased.

What matters most is the effort you put into creating engaging and authentic content that connects with your subscribers. Consistency, creativity, and catering to your audience’s desires can often outweigh the need for fancy equipment. As you grow and gain more resources, you can consider investing in better equipment to further enhance the quality of your content.

Publishing an Amazon Wishlist Can Help You Succeed

One of the perks of having followers and subscribers on your OnlyFans is that they gain access to your Amazon wishlist. You can curate a list of desired items, such as a high-quality camera for producing top-notch content, and your fans have the opportunity to purchase those items as gifts for you.

The Amazon wishlist feature is a powerful tool for leveraging your OnlyFans presence, especially if you’re unable to afford certain items on your own. It allows your supportive fans to contribute and fulfill your needs, making it a win-win situation for both parties involved.

By including items that are relevant to your content creation and can enhance the overall quality of your work, you’re giving your fans a tangible way to show their appreciation and support. It’s an effective way to further engage with your audience and foster a sense of connection and generosity within your community.

Try Going Offline

If you’re seeking alternative methods to attract new followers to your OnlyFans without relying solely on social media, you can employ a more traditional approach: using business cards. This method is particularly effective if you operate within the fitness niche or work as a model seeking new photoshoot opportunities.

By printing a pack of 500 business cards from platforms like VistaPrint, you can leverage offline networking events and conversations to promote your OnlyFans. Handing out these cards to potential followers or subscribers during relevant interactions can spark interest and generate curiosity about your content.

Business cards provide a tangible and professional representation of your online presence. They allow you to showcase your unique selling proposition and provide essential information, such as your OnlyFans link, contact details, and a brief description of what sets your content apart.

Whether you attend industry events, engage in conversations with like-minded individuals, or encounter potential followers in various social settings, having business cards readily available enables you to make a memorable impression and extend your reach beyond the digital landscape.

Stay Informed About Your Competition

Avoid the misconception that following your competitor creators on social media is benefiting them. While a larger following can provide additional support, creators primarily focus on converting followers into paying subscribers or exploring other monetization methods. Your decision to follow them won’t significantly impact their success.

However, it benefits you immensely. By following your competitors, you gain insights into their content, creative process, and successful ideas. This knowledge allows you to understand their approach to photo and video shoots and consider how you can apply similar strategies to enhance your own work. It’s not about copying their ideas but rather gaining inspiration and learning from their experiences.

Consider becoming a temporary paying subscriber to some of your competitors. This enables you to gain access to their exclusive content, evaluate the quality of their photos and videos, and understand what sets them apart. By experiencing their work firsthand, you can identify areas for improvement and strive to reach their level of success. This approach allows you to gather valuable insights and inspiration to enhance your own content creation journey.

To Sum Up

Succeeding on OnlyFans requires a combination of strategic tactics and dedication. By leveraging social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter, you can promote your OnlyFans page and attract new followers. Engaging with influencers through paid shoutouts and utilizing niche-focused subreddits on Reddit can also help expand your reach.

Consistency is key in maintaining a growing audience, whether it’s through regular content creation or setting a posting schedule that suits your style. Additionally, incorporating a niche for your content can help you stand out and attract a dedicated audience willing to support your work.

Check Out OnlyFans – Click Here

How To Become A Pornstar

Summary: This article covers everything you need to know about becoming a pornstar today. If you’re looking to become a true adult video superstar then this article is for you. Read the article in full and please feel free to hit me up with any questions. That’s what I’m here for!

How To Become A Pornstar

Guide To Becoming A Popular Pornstar Today

It can be challenging to know where to begin in a world when technology has made it simpler than ever to get started in the professional pornstar industry. You can become a professional in the adult entertainment industry by following the advice in this manual.

If you want to work in the pornstar sector as a professional, there are a few things you must remember. You must have the ability to advertise yourself. This entails developing a brand that you can use to market both your identity and your output. You must be able to create excellent content. This entails having a distinct vision for your job and the ability to carry it out.

This is going out there and connecting with people in the field in order to advance your career. You’ll be well on your road to breaking into the pornstar industry if you keep these points in mind.

What Do Amateur Pornstars Get Paid?

This is a highly complex question with a complex response, just as with mainstream porn. Particularly given that amateur pornstars aren’t compensated “per shoot” and that a variety of services can be provided, each with a unique method of making income. For instance, when it comes to camming, private users pay either by the minute or by the token.

When making porn, the clips can be put on a membership website and accessed for a monthly charge, or they can be sold separately on a clip store. This complicates the solution much more than it was with professional porn. Here are a few factors that affect profitability.

  • 18 or Older – You must be eighteen years of age or older in order to work in the sector. If you’re self-booking, the producers will need copies of your government-issued photo ID, not just your agency. This is done in order to comply with “2257,” which sets forth the rules for keeping records in the adult industry. Everyone will need to know this, and each scenario you appear in will be related to this information. There are also stringent testing requirements, and travel will probably be necessary.
  • Searching for an Agency – If you aren’t self-booking, you’ll need to look for an agency to represent you. Because there are some dishonest actors out there, make sure to thoroughly investigate each agency. It’s crucial to understand that the agency decides whether or not to accept you.
  • Male Pornstars – Male pornstars will struggle more to get employment in the sector. That is a straightforward supply and demand issue. Expect to have to move to a region with a significant porn industry presence or pursue amateur porn if you want to become a male pornstar.
  • Most Lucrative Fetishes – Profitability is affected by the fetishes being catered to. You have the option of going completely vanilla or taking the fetish route. You’d be amazed at what fetishes might end up being your biggest sellers because there are many different fetishes (including ones you never knew existed). A more lucrative job will follow from experimenting with several fetishes and discovering the ones that perform best.
  • Customer or Fan Base – Your career will be more successful if you have a greater customer or fan base. This is something that will need to be developed gradually, but it will be worthwhile. The people that follow you on social media are more inclined to buy your new content, join your membership site, or buy camming shows from you. This results in higher income.
  • Good looking – In spite of the fact that it doesn’t matter a lot (particularly for fetish models), being attractive does assist. It will be simpler for you to succeed if you have good looks. Remember that being attractive alone won’t be enough to earn you money if you just sit there in the open. That is not how it functions.
  • Affiliate Commissions – In “Affiliate Marketing,” you are compensated for sending new users to the camming, clip, and other networks that you are a part of. As well as some clip sites, the majority of camming websites also provide affiliate programs. You will profit from the referrals even if the company does not receive a “revshare” (% of all new client sales). A completely new (and ongoing) income source is therefore created.

Although it’s challenging to estimate revenue, here are some numbers. Although there may be a learning curve to overcome, earning a couple of thousand dollars a month isn’t unreasonable.

Making five figures a month is not impossible by any means, but you’ll need a strong clientele and the ability to identify your unique profit margins in order for it to happen.

There are “1 %ers” who are amateur pornstars. There are other entertainers that earn only a few hundred dollars a month and realize the business is not for them.

The Potential Earnings Of Pornstars

This is a highly complex question with a complex response, just as with mainstream porn. Particularly given that amateur pornstars aren’t compensated “per shoot” and that a variety of services can be provided, each with a unique method of making income. For instance, when it comes to camming, private users pay either by the minute or by the token.

When making porn, the clips can be put on a membership website and accessed for a monthly charge, or they can be sold separately on a clip store. This complicates the solution much more than it was with professional porn. Here are a few factors that affect profitability. The porn market is a multi-billion-dollar, worldwide industry.

A small number of performers can fetch big pay despite the fact that the sector is mainly uncontrolled. Millions of dollars can be earned annually by the top achievers in the sector. Even though adult performers make substantially less money on average, it is still possible to make a solid living in the industry. The pornstar industry may be quite lucrative for those willing to work hard at it.

The amount of money a pornstar can earn over the course of a career is highly variable. The duration of the performance is the most important consideration. Generally speaking, a long-term career will pay off better than a short-term one.

Since there is no set compensation, the lifetime value of each pornstar differs from one to the next. Other income that is unrelated to manufacturing may also exist. Events, PR, and other gigs may fall under this category. Numerous pornstars provide independent services as well, which can bring in extra money.

What Are The Services Provided Of A Pornstar

It’s critical to understand that various services have varied revenue streams, with some being more profitable than others. For instance, private camming is very profitable and charged per minute, whereas texting is priced per message and relatively marginal.

Clips may naturally create sales, giving it a recurring source of income. Choosing the correct service combinations will lead to the most lucrative business strategy.

Everyone may find something in this field, so knowing what services are offered will help you get the most out of your time there. It is simple to locate the ideal solution to meet your wants and preferences when there are so many possibilities accessible.

Tips To Becoming a Professional Pornstar

You must be able to manage your business if you want to be a successful professional pornstar. This entails understanding customer acquisition and retention strategies, effective money management, and care for your physical and mental well-being. Here are some pointers to help you be successful in the field:

  1. Learn about your customers. This entails being aware of what people require and desire from you. It also entails ensuring that you give them a positive experience.
  2. Be an expert. This entails being on time, having a positive attitude, and having effective communication skills.
  3. Control your money. This entails being financially savvy and having a savings plan.
  4. Remain healthy. This entails caring for both your physical and mental health.
  5. Promote your brand. This entails being able to market both your own brand and yourself.

You can succeed professionally as an adult entertainment by paying attention to this advice.

What Pornstars Earn Per Scene

A pornstar’s earnings per scene depend on a variety of factors. The importance of gender and “star power” has already been discussed. The scenes with more violence will also cost extra.

Gangbangs and anal shootings, for instance, will pay more than typical boy/girl content. The amount a pornstar is paid also depends on how skillfully the agency can bargain. Another justification for properly screening your agencies

Multiple Scenes Per “Trip”

Unless you live in LA or Miami, where the industry is, you’ll probably be flying into one of those cities, where there will likely be a number of shootings scheduled. This avoids the costly, time-consuming, and undoubtedly inefficient practice of traveling back and forth for individual sequences.

Typically, agents will offer some sort of lodging, such as a model home or payment for a hotel. A pornstar’s annual revenue will rise if more shots are scheduled for each trip.

Offering Other Services Other From Mainstream Porn

A lot of pornstars provide services aside from filming for mainstream porn. They could be creating their own content, managing a paid website, camming, or providing other services.

This has the potential to significantly raise a pornstar’s overall income. Having a well-known reputation from working in mainstream porn only helps because camming has become extremely lucrative.

When creating and distributing their own content, the pornstar successfully retains ownership of the work as well as all monetary gains. Similar to managing a pay website.

By pursuing these additional revenue sources, you can significantly boost your profits and create residual income that will continue to bring in money even when the pornstar isn’t on stage.

Making Extra Money: Club Appearances And Events

Through performances at events and strip clubs, many pornstars earn additional money. Although it is feasible for pornstars to pursue these appearances on their own, the agency frequently acts as the middleman in these deals.

Pornstars may occasionally be sought out by producers, studios, or other businesses to staff their booths at trade events. These events not only generate additional cash but also serve as excellent forms of promotion.

What If A Company Rejects You For Being Pornstar?

You have a few options if an agency rejects you. You have two options: apply somewhere else or choose the amateur path. There is only one benefit to being an amateur: you are the producer and performer, and there is no agency.

Below are explanations of camming, video, phone sex, and a ton of other services that can be provided. A transfer into the mainstream might also be aided by being an amateur pornstar. That is because you’ll be able to show that you are an authority in the field, and have a fan base, and your material can lead to sales.

Amateur Porn: How To Get Started

A performer who is just starting out can also break into the business. There are many benefits to taking this path, in fact. Working from home is an option, and you won’t need to go anywhere or deal with producers or an agency.

In contrast to professional porn, where the producer owns the rights to the video and the talent is only compensated for each individual shoot, you also own the rights to all of your content. You can create a residual income stream and monetize the material in a variety of ways as a result. There is currently a lot of interest in camming and other services. Additionally, you can add your own.

Earn Income By Marketing Your Services

Many amateur services can be promoted in order to make money. There are opportunities to make money from almost every service, from more specialized services like web design to more specialized services like dog walking. Finding the best marketing strategy for the service is the key.

For instance, personal services are frequently advertised through personal networking or word-of-mouth. While having a professional website or online profile to advertise your services is crucial, this might be a terrific way to get started.

On the other side, technical services may be advertised through online directories or search engines. To succeed in this field, you must have a strong internet presence.

Regardless of the service, you’re marketing. It’s critical to act with professionalism and consideration. Make a good impression because you are representing both your company and yourself. Even the most amateur services can generate cash with little marketing know-how. Here is something to earn money for a being pornstar:

Making And Distributing Homemade Porn

Owning and selling your own pornography can be quite lucrative. The wonderful thing about creating and selling content is that it generates a steady source of cash. This is because, provided that it is offered for sale, any piece of material has the potential to result in sales.

Additionally, pornography can be used for things like membership websites, which generate ongoing revenue from monthly subscription payments. This compounds when there is more content available. Don’t, however, compromise quality for quantity. Check out the following website to learn more about creating and marketing homemade porn.

Achieve Adult Webcam Model Status

Another extremely successful and well-liked service you might provide is camming. The adult industry is being revolutionized by cam sites, which provide fresh engagement to porn. There are essentially two types of websites, despite the fact that each one offers a few minor variations in their functionality.

Private chat, which is priced by the minute, is the focus of private-based websites. Tip goals, tip games, interactive sex toys, and tip menus are all used by public presentations to raise money. By clicking the link below, you can find out more about how to start camming.

What Kind Of Services Are Offered?

The number of businesses that serve this sector is expanding along with the pornstar industry. There are several businesses that can fit your demands, whether you’re searching for a full-service provider or a private party performer.

The pornstar industry is a multi-billion-dollar enterprise that encompasses a wide range of services. Escorts, phone sex, webcam sex, dancing, and strip clubs are a few of the most well-liked services. Before selecting one of these services, it’s crucial to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Here is a brief description of each service so you may choose the one that is best for you.

How To Join In Pornstar Industry

The porn star industry can be a terrific place to start a new career or earn some additional cash. There are a few things you should know before beginning if you’re interested. First off, you have a few options, like modeling, acting, dancing, and webcamming. You must choose the course that is best for you.

Once you’ve made a choice, you may begin learning about the business and seeking chances. The adult entertainment industry can be a terrific place to start a new career or earn some additional cash. But taking the initial step into the unknown can be a little frightening.

Where Should You Start To Become A Pornstar

The pornstar industry is a huge and diverse field with a wide range of opportunities for individuals interested in working there. So, where should you begin if you wish to work in this field?

You should first choose the section of the adult entertainment industry you want to work in. There are numerous choices, ranging from acting and modeling to directing and producing. You can start researching the various alternatives accessible to you once you have chosen the subject you want to concentrate on.

It’s crucial to do your study and choose the proper route if you want to break into the adult entertainment industry because there are many different ways to do it. You can start your career in the adult entertainment industry with the help of a variety of online and offline services.

Is Being A Professional Adult Film Star A Great Career

For those who are passionate about the industry and possess the skills and motivation to succeed, becoming a professional pornstar can be a terrific job. A job in adult entertainment has numerous advantages, such as the ability to make a high salary, the chance to travel, and the chance to meet new and intriguing people.

Adult entertainment can be a fantastic career choice, regardless of whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned pro. Here are a few things to consider if you’re considering a career in adult entertainment.

Professional adult film star status has grown in popularity as a career option over the past few years. Professional adult entertainment is a terrific career for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it is a very rich sector and that jobs are often not difficult to come by.

A few drawbacks to professional adult entertainment do exist, though. For instance, the hours and labor might both be highly taxing. The industry is also quite competitive, which might make it challenging to advance.

Overall, if you’re searching for a high-paying, comparatively simple job, becoming a professional pornstar is an excellent career choice. Before choosing to work in a given business, it is crucial to be informed of its drawbacks.

What Are The Benefits Of Being a Professional Pornstar

You are required to conduct yourself professionally at all times as an adult performer. This entails treating your customers with respect, having a strong work ethic, and consistently putting your best foot forward.

Being a professional pornstar has several advantages. One benefit is that you may anticipate receiving fair payment for your work. Additionally, you’ll get to work alongside some of the most gifted and attractive individuals in the field.

You will also get the chance to travel and explore the world. You will be able to travel to many different locations and interact with a variety of intriguing people as a professional pornstar performer. And last, pursuing a career as a pornstar entertainment may be a highly fulfilling endeavor.

You will be able to assist people in unwinding and enjoying themselves, and you will be able to feel good about yourself knowing that you are rendering a service that is both enjoyable and useful.

Snapchat Takeover Guide

​Today’s article covers everything you need to know about Snapchat and taking over Snapchat! This is a major money-making opportunity and something that you need to know about. Here’s what you need to know about Snapchat takeovers and how you can profit today through this strategy.

Snapchat Takeovers

SnapChat Takeover Guide

​Over the past year or so, Snapchat has gained a lot of popularity. Although it’s technically not adult friendly, it’s becoming one of the biggest social media platforms in​ the adult industry. Many cam models and porn stars are jumping on it as a means to make money through the app. Besides just being able to have a private Snapchat account that you sell access too, it’s also a great marketing tool. You can have a public Snapchat that’s free to follow. There you can promote your cam shows, website, other social media links, and anything else you have going on.

Model Promo Accounts

Aside from just using your own public Snapchat account to promote yourself, Snapchat takeovers are a big thing right now. There are literally thousands of promotional companies and individuals who run cam model promo Snapchat accounts. Many of these accounts have a large following.

A good majority of these people had a Twitter promo account first and then created a Snapchat to coincide with it. What they do is grant models access to their Snapchat account and let you ‘takeover’ the account for a certain amount of time. Many promo accounts will give you access for an entire day!

Remember The Rules!

Many Snapchat promo accounts will have a no-nudity rule. They do this in order to protect their account since nudity actually isn’t allowed on Snapchat. Since they have so many followers, they don’t want to risk getting their account banned and having to start all over again.

But just because you can’t show nudity, that doesn’t mean you can’t tease and really get guys all worked up so that they want to buy your content so they can see you naked! It’s sometimes even best not to show too much nudity on the accounts that allow it. That way the followers are more inclined to look you up elsewhere since you’re only teasing on the promo Snapchat account.

snapchat takeover guide

FAQs Work Amazing

Besides posting pictures and little Snapchat videos with all of your camming, website, and social media links, you can also play games and do a FAQ session. When you first log on to the account, make sure you introduce yourself and let people know that you’re open to answering questions.

Soon you’ll notice the Snapchat inbox filling up with all kinds of guys wanting to know more about you. Answer the questions that you’re comfortable with and just have fun with it. If you have specific rules, make sure you make those known right away as well.

Some models don’t allow dick pics. Some don’t want guys to screenshot anything. Be clear about your rules so you don’t have to block too many people on someone else’s account.

Games Work

Games are a really fun way to get the viewers involved and to make some extra money. In your ManyVids store, you can add game items when you’re doing takeovers. Some good ideas are balloon pops that have different prizes in them, spin the prize wheel, and rolling the dice to win different prizes. A lot of models will also put their private Snapchat on sale while they’re doing a takeover. You could also set up a special promo code on ManyVids to give out to anyone who watches your takeover.


Takeovers can definitely be a lot of fun and earn you some extra cash. I suggest finding out approximately how many followers the account has before you agree to do a takeover though. This way you can judge if it’s gonna be worth your time.

Also, you aren’t obligated to stick around all day just because you agreed to do a takeover. If there’s hardly any interaction or if you aren’t selling anything, it’s best not to waste your time. When that happens, just post some snaps with your links and move on.

If it’s slow, you can also jump on cam while you’re doing the takeover. Then when you have some free time on cam, make a post or two on Snapchat and let people know that they can come watch you live.

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Cam Model Lingo And Acronyms

In this article below you will get an idea of all the most popular terms used within the cam industry. If you’re a cam model or consumer, you’re going to want to understand what each of these words means and why. I believe that this is perhaps the most important article posted on my site. The reason I say that is that it’s super informative and easy to understand as well as an ongoing evergreen reference doc that you can use!

cam model lingo definitions

Webcam Slang & Definitions

​If you’re gonna be a really good cam model, you better start learning all of the lingo and acronyms now. There are so many different fetishes out there, and with new things becoming popular all the time, I’ll probably be able to double this list in a few months.​ 😛 This is a list of popular terms and abbreviations that you’ll more than likely see a pop-up at some point in your camming career.

  • AP – Age play. Roleplaying an age that you aren’t. Generally pretending to be younger than you are, even to the point of being underage.
  • ATM or A2M – Ass to mouth. Putting something in your ass and then putting that object in your mouth.
  • Bae – Before Anyone Else. It’s used as a term for endearment, replacing baby.
  • BB – A shortened way to say baby or babe.
  • BBC – Big black cock.
  • BBW – Big beautiful woman. A larger woman.
  • BDSM – Bondage & Discipline / Sadism & Masochism. Roleplay involves bondage, dominance, and submission.
  • B/G or BG – Boy/girl.
  • BJ – Blow job.
  • Brown video – A video involving poop.
  • BTS – Behind the scenes.
  • C2C – Cam to cam. This is when your fan turns their camera on so you can watch them while they watch you.
  • C4S= Clips4sale.
  • CB – Chaturbate.
  • CBT – Cock and ball torture. Physical pain to a man’s genitalia.
  • CD – Crossdresser.
  • CEI – Cum eating instruction. A fetish involving you telling the guy to eat his own cum.
  • Cougar – An older woman going after a younger guy.
  • Countdown – Counting down and then giving someone permission to cum at the end of the countdown.
  • Cuckold or cuck – When a wife fucks another man in front of her husband as a way to emasculate him.
  • Deep throat – Taking a dildo or cock down your throat.
  • DP – Double penetration. Taking an object in both your pussy and ass at the same time.
  • Edging – Getting yourself to the point where you’re about to cum and then not actually finishing.
  • ELM – Extralunchmoney.
  • Facial – Cumming on someone’s face.
  • Femdom – A female taking the dominant role.
  • Findom – Financial domination.
  • GFE – Girlfriend experience. Making someone feel like they’re dating you, usually with flirty texts and pictures throughout the day.
  • G/G or GG – Girl/girl.
  • GILF – Grandma I’d like to fuck.
  • GR= GiftRocket.
  • GTS – Giantess. A fetish involving role-playing that you’re a giant and usually crushing or eating normal-sized people.
  • Homewrecker – Roleplay involving making a guy cheat on his wife or ruining his home life.
  • JOE – Jerk off encouragement.
  • JOI – Jerk off instruction. Telling a guy exactly how to stroke their cock. Usually involves doing the hand motion of a guy jerking off.
  • Magic wand/Hitachi – A vibrating massager.
  • MFC – Myfreecams.
  • MILF – Mom I’d like to fuck.
  • Ninja – A person who tips anonymously in your cam room.
  • PM – Private message.
  • POV – Point of view. Making the viewer feel as if he’s the one fucking you in the video or that you’re talking directly to them.
  • PSO – Phone sex operator.
  • Queef – Making a farting noise with your pussy by passing air through it.
  • RP – Roleplay. Acting out a fantasy or fetish.
  • SM – Streamate.
  • SPH – Small penis humiliation. Teasing someone for having a fat cock.
  • SW – Stripper Web.
  • T&D – Tease and denial.
  • Taboo – Things that are forbidden or typically looked down on.
  • Troll – Someone who tries to get a rise out of you on purpose. They get off on seeing you upset.
  • Voyeur – a person who gains sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.
  • Yellow Video – Video involving pee.
  • Yellow Wall – When tips on MFC come in very quickly and fill the whole chat feed.

How To Succeed As A Webcam Model

​There are many factors ​that play into being a successful cam model. With dedication, a fun personality, and some practice, anyone can be successful if they want it bad enough! Your attitude on cam really plays a big role in your success.

No one wants to watch a cam model who doesn’t seem like they enjoy what they do. You want to get your fans aroused, not make them feel bad for you. Sure there are some models who bring on the tears just to make people feel bad and tip them, but that’s just a temporary fix and those models usually end up quitting anyways.

Tips to succeed as a camgirl

Things To Consider For Succeeding As A Cam Girl

Aside from your general demeanor, it’s also important to build relationships and friendships with your fans. Although there are plenty of guys who will come visit you for their quickie and just want to see you naked and masturbating for them, many guys want more than that.

Of course, it’s important to only do what you’re comfortable with. I’m not saying share your entire life with these kinds of guys… but it’s definitely important to be real and more than just a sex object.

Fans really can become friends. Maybe not in a conventional way, but successful cam models build strong bonds with certain fans. You’ll start to have inside jokes, and it can really improve your work day and make your cam room a lot more fun in general.

Bad Days Are Normal

Everyone has the occasional bad day. Sometimes it’s best not to cam on days like this. Although it’s important to be real and genuine with your fans, and being in a bad mood happens to everyone, it’s still probably not the best idea.

When I’m having a bad day already, everything and everyone annoys me. The seasoned cam model can normally handle trolls with no problem, but their annoyingness is magnified by a million when you’re already in a bad mood. You may end up snapping at people and showing off a side of yourself that you’ll regret later.

To keep up with the realness, use social media to say how you’re feeling that day instead of going on cam. Social media is a great way to reach out to and connect with your fans on a personal level when you can’t be live on cam. Instead maybe work on something else that day, such as custom videos, new content, or editing. Or hell, just take a day for yourself to relax and unwind.

Say No & Earn More!

Another important thing that every successful cam model has to get good at, is saying no. If you don’t learn to say any right from the get-go, you’ll have people walk all over you and try to take advantage of you.

This can really put a bad taste in your mouth for camming and may ruin all the positive feelings you originally had for it. If you’re not comfortable doing something, just say no. If someone continually asks you to do something that you already said no to, block them. There’s no harm in doing this and you shouldn’t feel bad. Never look at saying no as missing out on money.

There are plenty of other customers out there who will make up for that one person. Instead of looking at it as a lost opportunity, look at it as an opportunity to stick around in free chat and maybe meet someone who you do vibe with instead of that you might have missed if you were doing the show you’re uncomfortable with.


Although these are just some of the factors that play into being a successful cam model, they’re all very important. Successful cam models are also unique and innovative. Make yourself stand out from everyone else.

Don’t be afraid to try new things. And most importantly, just have fun. If you’re not having a good time, it’ll show in your work. If you truly enjoy your job as a cam model, you’re already on the road to success!

Other Articles You Should Read

Here’s a list of other articles that you might like if you’re trying to succeed in the camming world today. I’ve got a lot of the answers provided in my tutorials, and educational posts.

How To Get Paid For Texting Fans

Cam Room Lighting Tips

Make Money via Skype Shows

Banking Advice For Webcam Girls

Cam Model’s Guide To Blogging

If you’re a cam model and you’re not blogging, then you’re leaving a ton of money on the table. I’m not talking about writing novels here, but updates for members and other cool posts. This blog post lays out the information on how to blog the right way. If you’re a cam girl that wants to succeed, then I suggest you read this.

Blogging Guide Tips

Webcam Model’s Blogging Guide

Blogging is a great tool that every cam model should be utilizing. Not only will it increase your SEO, get you more recognition and help with building a fan base when done correctly, but it also gives your fans an insight into your everyday life.

You may have noticed that a lot of guys want to get to know you on more of a personal level. Not everything always has to be sexual. When you talk about things that are happening in your everyday life, fans will feel a much stronger bond with you because they can relate. This is the key to building up a fan base of guys who come back to see you over and over again.

The Sites / Platforms

There are lots of different blog sites out there. You’ll definitely want to make sure you use one that is adult-friendly. This way you can post links to your website, clip sites, cam sites, etc., as well as naughty pictures if you choose to.

The top sites that I recommend are Tumblr, WordPress, and ModelCentro. You can use one or even all three of these sites for a blog. I would personally recommend using either WordPress or ModelCentro in conjunction with Tumblr.

Search Growth

If you have a website through WordPress or ModelCentro, you should definitely be using their blog feature. Blogs are search machines! For anyone who doesn’t know, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

Essentially, it’s the process of using keywords that pertain to your niche to get free, organic traffic to your website, and helps you rank higher on search engines for those specific keywords.

For example, if your main niche is femdom, you’ll want to use that word as often as you can when you’re blogging. That way when guys go to a search engine and search for femdom, you’ll have a higher likelihood of popping up. There are many more factors to ranking high in search engines, but making all of your blog posts keyword rich is definitely an important one.

Link With Intent

Another way to increase your outreach through your blog, is by linking to and writing about your content. This is especially useful when trying to increase your SEO for your website in general.

Every time that you update with a new piece of content, you should blog about it. Make sure your blog post has these important elements: a title, H1, H2, a picture, keyword rich text that describes your content, and a link to your content. Search engines look for all of this when ranking your site. The H in H1 and H2 stands for header.

H1 should be used for the title of your post. It should be the largest text on the page and stand out the most. H2 should be used for keywords or to distinguish different sections within your blog post. If you add a picture to your blog post, the title of that picture is also important. You never want to use spaces in image titles. Instead, use dashes to separate words. I recommend naming your pictures your porn/cam name and then the title of your content.

So if I had a video called School Girl Babe, I would name my picture dirtylittleholly-school-girl-babe. Search engines look at everything when ranking you, so even naming your pictures or videos for your blog posts is important.

You can also increase your SEO by linking to other pages on your site. So if you have a ModelCentro website and are writing a blog post on your MC website, link to your other MC pages when applicable. This is easy when writing about new content. You can just link to that new content and easily increase your SEO.

Real Talk Real Life

Ok, so aside from using your blog to promote new content, it’s also a good idea to talk about your everyday life. As I mentioned earlier, this is a great way for your fans to connect with you on a more personal level.

If they feel like they can relate to you, you become more than just a sex object in their mind. They’ll respect you and want to support you. As cheesy as it may sound, this bond is actually really special. When you talk to these guys every day, you really do start to build a relationship with them.

Letting them in on more than just the sexual stuff can make you feel much more comfortable and make you enjoy your job even more. Your blog posts can be about anything, just keep them real. Maybe talk about what you did over the weekend, or if you have a big vacation planned for the future. Have any interesting stories from your past? Anything can be a writing point.

Talk and Post Socially

Whenever you make a blog post, be sure to post about it to your different social media accounts. If you have a website through ModelCentro or WordPress, use that as your main blogging site and then definitely link to it on other sites such as Tumblr. Some of the tips in this article don’t only pertain to blogs. Use these simple tips to increase the SEO to your other social media accounts as well.


If you’re blogging and doing the things that I’m suggesting above, then you’ll likely reach more people and grow your fanbase a lot faster than those not doing so. Trust me, when you’re a new cam model every action counts, so put in the effort to reach people and earn more money.

What To Include In Your Cam Profile

This is a very serious topic. Perhaps one of the most important topics of all. It’s all about your profile. As a cam model, your profile is so damn important. It’s the way that hundreds of thousands of cam site users can find out more about you. That said, you need to know what you must include. This article explains just that!

Cam Profile Essentials

What To Include In Your Webcam Profile

After you get approved on a camming site, but before you actually start to cam, it’s important to set up your camming profile. Your camming profile should be informative to your fans and reflect your personality.

If someone comes into your room for the first time and wants to know what you’re all about, they’re gonna check out your profile. It’s important to not only make it look pretty but make sure it describes the kind of model you are and the kinds of shows people can expect to see from you.

What to include in your cam profile

Different Site Options For Different Platforms

Some sites, like Myfreecams, let you fully customize your profile page. Other sites, such as Streamate, only let you put in text descriptions. If you’re camming on a site that only lets you put in a small amount of text on your profile, there are some very important things you should include.

Definitely be sure to describe your show a little bit. Let your fans know what you do in private compared to exclusive. Maybe mention some of your favorite things to do on cam, or things that you specialize in.

If there are things that you aren’t comfortable doing that you think you’ll get asked to do often (anal, phone, squirting, etc.), you can include that as well so you don’t get asked over and over again. If you still have extra space to type, maybe include your room rules or a small description of your personality.

Customize Your Profile

If you choose to cam on a site that lets you fully customize your profile, you can have a lot more fun! You can switch up the colors, make your own graphics and layout, use a premade layout, or even commission someone to make an eye-popping layout specifically for you.

Some models will pick a theme and revolve their profile around that (Hello Kitty, Pokemon, superheroes, etc.). Ultimately it’s up to you how to design your profile. Since you have unlimited space to add whatever you want, there are some general things that most models include.

Link To Social Media

Be sure to include the links to your social media accounts, such as Twitter, Instagram, your blog, etc. Not only will that get you more followers on your different accounts, but it also gives your fans a way to stay in touch with you when you’re not on cam.

If you have a website, you should include that link as well. You can even tell your fans that they can tip you a certain amount for a membership to your website and then you can manually add them. If the site you’re on has an offline tip option, definitely include that link on your profile page as well.

That way your fans can show their appreciation to you or purchase stuff even when you can’t be online. The same goes for your wishlist link. Include that to give your fans another way to spoil their favorite cam model. 🙂

Add Video Media

If you have premade videos, you should list those on your camming profile. You can either use a screenshot from the video, a GIF, or even just a text description so your fans know what to expect in the video.

Be sure to include the price as well. If you have a group of similar videos, maybe make a discounted rate if they get all of them. You can also do this for your photosets and tangible goods.

If you sell items, include them on your profile with a description and any other important information such as what countries you ship to.

Add Rules To Your Cam Show

Since you have more space on this kind of profile, you can go into more details about the rules of your cam room, description of your shows, and general tidbits about yourself.

If you get asked a lot of the same questions over and over again, you could even add a FAQ section (similar to how I added camming FAQs here). If you’re on a site where the majority of your time is spent in public chat, it’s a good idea to have a tip menu.

Price Of Things

Include how much someone would have to tip in order for you to do something (boob flash, show feet, play with dildo, change the song, etc.). To make your most loyal fans feel appreciated, consider adding a list of your top tippers.

If you’re having a raffle, including all of the information that your fans need to know for that. And if you play any games in your cam room, list those details as well. Just be creative and list anything you think your fans might need to know!


Well, that wraps up everything that you need to know about your cam profile and how you should think about it, and what to add. That about sums things up. If you have any questions please reach out to me via my contact form and I’ll gladly help out.

Other Cam Tip Articles That You Might Like

Here are a few other cam articles that you might enjoy. Check them out and reach out if you need any other information.

Holding Raffles And Giveaways

Today’s article covers everything you need to know about raffles and giveaways. This is a good way to gain traction with your camming profile and social media followers. You’ll know what you need to do in order to boost things for you.

Raffle and Giveaways

Tips On Holding Raffles & Giveaways For Fans

Holding raffles and giveaways is a really fun way to engage with your fans and earn extra money. It’s always a good idea to come up with fun new ways for your fans to interact with you, and raffles or giveaways are a win/win for you and your fans!

You’ll earn extra money for each person that enters, and your fans will not only have a good time watching and participating in the whole process, but also have some friendly competition and playful interactions with each other.

When you go to give out your prizes to the winners, it’s awesome to see how excited and appreciative they are. You’ve now made someone else’s day that much better, and your pockets fuller!

Go Live!

One of the best places to hold raffles and giveaways is when you’re live on cam. These raffles and giveaways generally draw the most attention and are the most fun for both you and your fans since everything is happening live right in front of them.

On sites like Myfreecams where your fans can leave you tips while you’re offline, you can even make money from your raffles and giveaways while you’re away! To increase the odds of people entering while you’re offline, some models will give extra tickets to those who enter when they’re not on camera.


Although not nearly as interactive, you can also hold raffles and giveaways on sites where you have a storefront. ManyVids, Cam Model Store, and Extralunchmoney are a few good examples.

All you have to do is create an item, put in the details (how long it’s gonna last, what the prizes are, cost per entry, etc.), and explain that every time they purchase that item, they’ll get one entry into your raffle.

Announcing Winners

You can then announce the winners on social media, make a video of you drawing the winners, or even jump on cam and do the drawing live.

If you have multiple storefronts on different sites, you can list your raffle on all of the individual sites and combine the entries. Just make sure you write on the tickets (or whatever you’re using) what site they bought the entry on so you can easily get in contact with the winners.

Tracking Entries

That takes us to the next part… how to keep track of entries. Some models, me included, like to use actual raffle tickets and write usernames on them. I just think it adds to the excitement when I draw a ticket and can immediately hold it up to the camera and the winner can see his/her name.

You can get tickets for around $6 on Amazon. These are the ones I use. You can, of course, also just use paper to write usernames on if you don’t want to be so fancy. 😛

If you get a lot of entries into your raffles, you may not want to take the time to write them all out. So a good alternative is an Excel spreadsheet. You can purchase tickets on Amazon that have unique numbers on each ticket.

Use A Spreadsheet

Start a spreadsheet with the first ticket number and use the fill option to put the rest of the numbers in. Then when someone enters, put their username in the spreadsheet the number of times they entered and put the tickets with the correlating numbers in a hat. When you go to draw the winners, just match the ticket numbers up with the usernames in your spreadsheet.

Amazon Wishlist Them

Another fun way to hold raffles is through your Amazon wishlist. I like to create a new wishlist and put a certain number of gifts from my main wishlist on it. I randomly pick one item to be the grand prize item.

I tell my fans that they get a prize for every item they purchase, but an extra special prize if they purchase the grand prize item. I get a lot of engagement from these kinds of raffles and my fans seem to enjoy them. As long as you’re only accepting adult-friendly payment processors, you can even hold raffles strictly on social media.


The prizes that you offer for your raffles are completely up to you. Some popular prizes include custom content, videos, pictures, Skype, website memberships, Snapchat access, used panties, autographed photos, gift baskets, and baked goods. Now that you know what to do for raffles and giveaways, I strongly suggest taking action on them!

Keeping Your Fans Interested

As a cam model, you have one very important job and that’s keeping your fans engaged. Sounds easy, right? WRONG. That said, it’s not impossible. If you’re looking for ways to keep your fans interested in your shows and what you have to say in general, then this article is for you.

how to keep fans interested

How To Keep Your Fans Truly Interested

​One of the most important things to becoming a successful cam model is knowing how to keep your fans interested. This usually takes some work and you more than likely will have to try out different things before figuring out what works for you.

But once you do, you’ll start to notice more people showing up in your cam room, more interactions between you and your fans, and your own workday will go by much faster and be much more enjoyable.​

Look Good & Play Your Role

When potential fans first enter your cam room, they notice your general appearance. Making sure you have a look that’s appealing to the types of guys you want to draw in is very important.

If you’re into dominating men, you probably don’t want to be dressed like a schoolgirl, sitting there giggling and teasing. Give off the vibe that you’re trying to bring in. The second thing that they’ll most likely notice is your cam room in general.

Have it set up to match whatever it is that you’re into and the kinds of shows that you do. Guys are more likely to be interested in your shows and feel more attached to you if the entire environment that they’re watching you in is set up in a way that makes them feel like they’re really there.


Simply chatting and genuinely looking interested in what others are saying to you is incredibly important. If you’re just sitting there in silence looking bored, your fans are gonna get bored too.

But if you’re engaging in conversation, even if it’s just with yourself, they’re more likely to want to stick around and hear you out. Members who chat with you are sometimes just as good as paying members.

Go Free

Your workday will fly by when there are people to chat with in between shows. So make sure you interact with any member who’s trying to chat with you.

Plus, just because they don’t have money today, doesn’t mean they won’t be back with some in the future. If you write them off right away, they may never be back.

Move Around

Don’t just sit there! Get up and move around! A fairly common mistake that new cam models make is not teasing. Teasing shouldn’t make you feel like you’re giving too much away for free. Instead think of it as marketing.

Every second that you’re on cam, you’re marketing yourself. Are you more likely to watch the kitten in the pet store that’s sleeping or the one that’s running around playing?

Even if you need a break and are just hanging out or relaxing, you can still move around a little bit to make sure you don’t look bored or put out.

Stay Focused

It’s also important to actually focus on your chat room. If you’re constantly on your phone or checking other websites, it’s gonna be obvious. Your fans want your attention. They don’t want to watch a cam model who isn’t even interested in what she’s doing or what they have to say.

That’ll just make them feel like you don’t have time for them or won’t be willing to listen to them when they try to explain what they want to see in a show. Little things come up from time to time that you have to check, just make sure you don’t spend too much time on them.

If your room is dead and you decide to use that time to fill out raffle tickets or something, still make sure you’re looking up at your chat frequently and interacting with new members who come in or anyone who tries chatting with you.

Last Tip

The final piece of advice for keeping your fans interested in your cam shows is to switch things up a bit. Don’t always do the exact same show over and over again. If you work on Streamate, maybe you’re having a day where you just focus on gold shows.

If you make every gold show exactly the same, you won’t get any repeat customers. Instead, switch your topic every show and try to do something a little different.

Maybe start with a show focused on a blow job, then a fingering show, then a show with different toys. Or if you want to do everything in each show, switch up the order in which you do things to make the show seem a little different.

Diversity is good and will lead to customers wanting to watch all of your shows since they know they’ll get a unique experience each time.


Well, that wraps things up. If you’re still unsure what to do, please reach out to me for more information. I’ll do my best to assist wherever possible. Good luck and keep the fans entertained!

Tips For Shooting Professional Quality Amateur Content

If you’re a cam model, then you really need to understand the ins and outs of creating content. Shooting is essential for this type of model and knowing how to shoot high-quality amateur content will help boost your earnings. This advice should help you build up your content quicker and with more quality.

Shoot Amateur Content

Advice On Shooting Amateur Content

Even though you may be shooting all of your own content, or have a friend/significant other helping you out, it’s important to make your content look professional. With 4K and 3D videos out now, you definitely should at least be shooting your content in 1080p HD. Heck, some people are shooting in UHD aka ultra-high-definition even.

Resolution Matters

You are selling yourself, after all, so you want to make sure your fans can actually see you in good resolution. Have you ever been streaming a video online or watching Netflix when the quality drops?

Everything gets dark, grainy, and blurry. The sound quality may even drop. No one likes that. And the same thing goes for watching porn.

Real Feel Must Remain

Amateur porn is huge right now. The vast majority of guys out there like the “real feel” you get with amateur porn as opposed to produced porn. It comes across as more believable and doesn’t feel forced.

With amateur porn, the person watching it can often put themselves into the situation, and that’s a big part of the appeal. But just because it has the word amateur in it, doesn’t mean it has to be shitty quality.

Poor Quality Is A Turnoff

Even if a guy really likes your style and the kind of content you make, he’s likely to move on to another model who shoots similar content if your quality is bad.

Upgrading your equipment may seem expensive, but it will definitely pay off. You’ll not only notice an increase in premade content sales, but also in custom sales.

Camera Equipment Matters

If you upgrade your webcam to HD, you’ll see an increase in the number of guys in your cam shows. As I said, they want to really be able to see you… all of you… clearly! So upgrading to better equipment really is a must nowadays.

One of the first things you should consider upgrading is your lighting. You can get a good, professional lighting set on Amazon for around $50.

Even if you can’t afford to upgrade your other equipment right away, just getting better lighting will really make a difference in the overall appearance of your videos, pictures, and webcam shows.

Make sure you check out my lighting guide for placement tips and tricks to really get the most out of your lighting equipment.

Upgrade Your Webcam Too

If you aren’t already using a webcam that can capture full 1080p HD video, I’d definitely recommend upgrading. On some cam sites, your ranking is determined partly by the quality of your stream.

So using an HD webcam can really boost your placement on the site. HD webcams not only make your video stream look better, but they increase the sound quality as well.

You’ll be able to do more in your shows because your fans will still be able to clearly hear you even if you step back away from the camera or move around a lot.

Close Ups

I get requests for close-ups during my cam shows on a daily basis. If your webcam doesn’t capture HD video, your close-up shots are gonna look blurry and grainy.

In fact, your overall cam stream will look grainy, dark, and sometimes off-color. With most models camming in HD, it’s especially noticeable to customers who frequent cam sites.

They’ll immediately notice that your quality is lower than other models, and may not even give you a chance. If you’re looking for a webcam that shoots in full 1080p HD, I list a couple of options here.

But basically, the two most popular webcams are currently the Logitech C920, which will run you about $70, and the Logitech Conference Cam BCC950. This cam goes for about $180. The main difference between the two is that the BCC950 comes with a remote so you can remotely control the movement of your camera and use the remote to zoom in and out.

Recording Stuff

The next most important upgrade is your camcorder. If you shoot custom content or videos to sell on your website or on clip sites, you’ll definitely want to get a camcorder that shoots in HD.

A decent camcorder will run you between $180-$300. The Sony HDRCX240/B Video Camera is a decent option if you’re looking to stay on the cheaper side of the spectrum. It captures video in 1920×1080 resolution and is lightweight and easy to use.

Although a good option, I’ve noticed an issue with this camera. Even with professional lighting, the video can be a bit dark. If you’re able to shoot outdoors or in natural lighting, it looks much better. But pretty much anything shot indoors won’t be as clear or bright as it should be.

With that said, it’s still a really good option, and even though things aren’t as clear as they could be, it still gets decent shots: both far away and close-ups.

Another Option

A better, but more expensive option, is the Canon VIXIA HF R700 Camcorder. This camcorder will run you about $300 on Amazon. It also shoots in 1920×1080 resolution, is lightweight and easy to use. But the video clarity and brightness is much better than the Sony cam. If you shoot a lot of videos and can afford it, I’d definitely recommend this cam.

Camera Upgrades

The final thing that I would recommend upgrading is your camera. I’m mentioning it last because it isn’t as important for some models. Many focus on camming and don’t really have the need for a professional camera. And a lot of models will just use their phones.

But if you have a website where you post photo sets too often, or if you get a lot of custom picture requests, I’d recommend getting a DSLR camera. I’ll warn you ahead of time, these aren’t cheap.

It’s recommended that you buy several different lenses, which are also quite pricey, so that you can capture good quality close-up shots, shots from further away, motion shots, etc. I personally use the Canon EOS 60D with 18-135mm lens. This camera is great!

I love everything about it… except for maybe the price. With the lens, it’s gonna run you about $1,080 on Amazon. I mainly focus on full-body shots, and this lens is perfect for that.

But if you do a lot of close-ups, you’ll need to invest in a lens that’s specifically for that. This camera can even record video. It’s not as good as an actual camcorder, mainly because it doesn’t have an auto-focus.

So if you move positions or get closer/further away from the camera, the whole video may turn out blurry.

Tell Them What Tools You Use

When talking to potential customers about shooting custom content for them, one of the first questions they’ll ask is what equipment I use and if I shoot in HD/high-resolution.

When I tell them what I use, many say how relieved they are to hear that and tell me about previous bad experiences they had with other models not shooting with good quality equipment.

So upgrading to HD is definitely important and will most definitely increase your sales. You’ll also be able to charge more for your content because the quality will be better.


That’s everything you need to know about upgrading your tools for creating content that consumers will love. I know it sounds expensive, but truth be told, you need to invest in yourself, and your equipment if you want to truly be successful today as a webcam model.

Please do not copy my site!

