Author - Sarah G

How To Use An iPhone as a Webcam

As a cam model, your bread and butter is pretty much using your webcam. I mean, your customers want to see you and your shows and that’s how you are going to make the majority of your money. If your webcam goes down and you can’t afford to replace it right away, you’re just getting started as a model and not sure if you are going to keep it up, or you want an extra camera on hand for your shows, you can use something you already have: an iPhone.

iphone webcam tips

I know not everyone is an iPhone fan. But, for you Android users, you’ll have to investigate how to use your phones as webcams on your own because this article is strictly for iPhone users. Sorry!

Now, even though you can use an iPhone as a webcam, you need to know that it will never completely take over as a typical webcam. Yes, it will do the job, but it isn’t going to be like what your computer can do. For a short-term solution, though, the iPhone can get the job done.

Using your iPhone as a webcam isn’t just turning on the camera and going. No, if you want to use your iPhone as a webcam you’re going to have to download an app to make it happen. Fortunately, there are a number of apps that will work well for this.


Best Apps for Turning an iPhone Into a Webcam

There are thousands of apps out there and it can get confusing finding one that works. I’ve done the finger work for you and discovered which five apps work the best to turn your iPhone into a decent webcam.

athome app

  1. AtHome Camera

AtHome Camera is a unique option if you want to turn your iPhone into a webcam, especially if you are doing different types of shows, such as allowing customers to watch you as you go about your day.

There are two parts to the AtHome Camera: the streamer and the viewer. Both parts can run on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. It also offers the following benefits:

  • Two-way talk: It doesn’t matter if you’re using the streamer app or the viewer, you can talk to and hear audio from any connected device.
  • Motion detection: If there is any movement on your camera, there will be an alert that there is motion. This is great if you’re using your iPhone as a security webcam when you’re not working a show.
  • Scheduled recording: The app can be programmed to record during set times, which is great for a cam model who has a set schedule.

AtHome Camera is ad-supported, but you can upgrade to a paid level to avoid that. If you’re considering using AtHome Camera as your go-to for a webcam, try the free version out first to see if it works for you before springing for the paid version.

Epoccam App

  1. EpocCam

EpocCam is the most popular and most frequently downloaded app for turning an iPhone into a webcam. You will have to download the drivers from the developer’s website to make this work, but once you do, it’s easy-peasy.

Not only does EpocCam work with both front- and rear-facing cameras on your iPhone, it works with all webcam-enabled apps like Google Hangouts and Skype and encrypts all video that is recorded. It also has a wireless range of 20 feet, which is awesome.

If you are into having the updated versions of your apps, there is an EpocCam Pro which allows you to use your mic to record audio, adds an option for manual focus, removes the watermark from your videos, and improves the resolution from 640 x 480 to 1920 x 1080, which your customers will very much appreciate.

presence iphone app

  1. Presence

Presence is just like the other webcam apps you’re going to be reading about however it does offer 50MB of cloud storage for your videos for free members and up to 5GB of content for paid members. If you are a cam model who wants to access her shows in the future (maybe to sell or see where you could improve), this is a great option to have.

If you’re using Amazon Alexa, Presence also supports that. Oh, and if you’re enjoying what Presence has to offer, consider purchasing the Motrr Galileo iPhone camera mount. The Presence app will actually control the mount and move your iPhone up to 360-degrees for those sexiest shots.

Facetime on iPhone

  1. Facetime

If you’re not into downloading an app to use as a webcam, there is always the option of using Facetime. Facetime wasn’t created for use as a webcam, but don’t let that dissuade you from trying it out.

Facetime has a one-up on third-party apps in that it is Apple-created, Apple-supported, and run on the iOS operating system by Apple. If an app goes awry, you’re pretty much stuck, but with an Apple product, you’ve got their support.

To use Facetime as a webcam, you’ll need two devices with two different contact details. If you have the same contact info on both devices you’re only going to get a busy signal when you attempt to dial-up. Once you’ve put your iPhone where it can record, you’ll dial in, manually answer it, and your connection should be pretty reliable.

webcamera app by shape

  1. WebCamera

WebCamera by Shape is an awesome app for turning your iPhone into a webcam. In fact, it is one of the best, in my opinion. Popular and powerful, WebCamera has excellent video quality, which is exactly what you want as a cam model. It also works with messaging apps and video production software like Camtasia, Boinx TV, and CamTwist.

WebCamera isn’t free, it will cost you around $4.99, but it is worth every single penny.

Conclusion: iPhones Can Work as a Webcam, But They’re Not the Best Option

If you’re working as a webcam model, or you’re just considering it as a career, my best piece of advice for you is to seriously consider getting a webcam setup that isn’t an iPhone. Yes, your phone can be used in a pinch or to see if you actually like doing this type of work, but for long-term work, I would highly suggest you invest in a good webcam or quality computer.

Until you get that webcam or computer, try out one of these five apps to see how they work for you and your cam shows, they’ll definitely tide you over. Now, if you’re doing cam to cam work, then you’ll want a legit computer setup for best quality, that’s just my two cents!

Fitness and Health Tips for Cam Models

In the webcam world, there are a variety of shapes and sizes of cam models. No longer are women required to be totally stick-thin (not that there’s anything wrong with that at all) to sell themselves online. Men have varying tastes in what they want from their dream woman and the cam world is roomy enough for everyone to jump in.

health and fitness tips

While camming is definitely more inclusive than it has ever been, the women (and men) working as cam models still have to look after themselves first and foremost, both physically and mentally. There are thousands of things you have to do to be successful and unlike other jobs, there is no HR department or training to watch out for you. Well…you do have to obey the rules of each platform, that’s for sure. but it’s far less strict than a traditional 9 to 5 job.

And truthfully, nobody wants to look at or pay for a show from anyone who is a hot mess, no matter what their size, shape, or appearance. I don’t mean you have to be model-perfect, but you definitely have to have yourself and your environment “right and tight” if you want to be a successful cam model and make that bank.

That’s why today’s article tackles an important topic in camming: keeping yourself fit and healthy. If you’re new to the cam world, or you’ve been camming for a bit and feeling burnt out, give these fitness and health tips for cam models to improve your cam game and make sure that you’re taking care of yourself.

fitness for cam girls

Physical Fitness and Health Tips for Cam Models

The healthier you are, the more you’ll be able to work, which means the more money you’ll be able to make. Camming can involve long hours and just like other careers, can take a toll on your physical and mental health if you’re not careful. Here are the 8 best tips to keep yourself healthy and fit.

eat a balanced diet

#1: Eat a balanced diet.

This tip isn’t only for cam models. Everyone, to be healthy, should follow a common-sense, balanced diet. There are probably thousands of diets out there you can choose from, and what works for you won’t work for the next gal out there.

I’m not a registered dietitian, but what I do know is that you can’t eat thousands of calories a day of junk and expect to have the energy required to perform on a cam. For me, a diet high in veggies, lean protein, and fruit most of the time (80% of the week) works great. Of course, I have a sweet tooth and I do splurge once in a while (20% of the time), but I try to reign that in, so I don’t start getting pudgy.

If you are worried about your diet, I would highly recommend a nutritionist or dietitian to help balance it out and find out what works for you.

Exercise everyday

#2: Get enough exercise.

I’m not going to lie to you, I hate exercising. Like really hate it. It’s time-consuming, drudgery that just doesn’t seem to ever become fun for me. But, I also personally hate having big hips and stomach rolls, so I know I have to do some form of physical fitness just about every day.

Exercise should be something you enjoy doing (at least that’s what the experts say), so if that’s swimming, weightlifting, running, joining a gym, riding a bike (I have a Peleton), or just walking every day, that’s the right exercise for you. Not only will it help keep you fit and fabulous, but it will also help get you away from your workspace and clear your mind. And if you’re not sure where to start, a personal trainer can help.

Just remember, while a trainer might be expensive, you’re investing in your brand (yourself) so it’s worth it. Oh, and no amount of exercise is going to fix a bad diet, so tips #1 and #2 go hand-in-hand.

drink water to stay hydrated

#3: Stay hydrated.

I’m not trying to be your annoying mom, but you must stay hydrated. Water is life and so many models forget to drink enough. Not only will it keep you feeling good, but it will also keep your body running right and your skin looking clear and plump.

When you’re working, keep a bottle of water by your side and when you’re not working, chug that liquid gold; at least a half-gallon every single day.

take breaks

#4: Take breaks.

Camming is your job, not your life. Many cam models make the mistake of spending every waking moment thinking about their cam shows, the things customers have said, or the fact that the traffic to their shows is lacking. Of course, you do have to think about these things to make sure you’re making money, but you do have to have an outside life as well.

It is very important that you step away from the computer and the webcam frequently. Find things you enjoy doing in your downtime and do them. When you’re off from working your shows, stay off of the computer and just do you.

I’d like to mention that major companies like Chevron often require that employees take breaks and get off the computer for 15 minutes or so throughout the day. They know that staying seated and working non-stop is less productive and unhealthy. Multi-billion dollar companies cannot be wrong and they’re not making suggestions without doing research, so take that for what it’s worth.

Not only will it give you a breather, but it will also help keep your head clearer.

talk to others

#5: Have someone you can talk to.

Working from home can be very isolating, even if you’re doing shows for people who are talking to you. You don’t have any coworkers to vent to and it can be hard to find people that understand what you’re going through on your bad days. That’s why I recommend having someone that you can trust to talk to.

This may be difficult for you if you’re hiding what you’re doing from those that you know and love, I get it. But you definitely need someone that will listen, offer advice, and be a sounding board when things go awry and a cheerleader when things are going well. Camming isn’t something to be ashamed of, however, if you don’t have one person in your life that will be supportive, there are always apps and other online options to find someone to talk with.

Clean Desk

#6: Keep your toys and workspace clean.

I really wish I didn’t have to write this one out, but unfortunately, I do. Gurls, keep your toys, workspace, and anything else you’re using in shows C-L-E-A-N. There is nothing more disgusting than a show where you can see stains on bedding, the toys look caked in lady-goo, and things just look unsanitary.

If you’re using silicone or hard plastic, wash with warm water and soap or a toy disinfectant. Glass and stainless-steel items can be washed in the dishwasher. Bedding should be bleached when possible and thrown away if the stains aren’t coming out and nylon or leather should be spot-cleaned and laid out to dry.

You also want to disinfect that gross keyboard and your computer and anything else you might touch during a show. The average keyboard has five times the amount of bacteria and viruses than a toilet according to the CDC. To say that’s gross is an understatement.

Make it a habit to keep your environment clean and you’ll keep yourself from getting sick and you won’t be putting on shows that look second-rate. You’ll also keep your lady-bits from getting irritated and having other issues that can knock you out of the cam shows for a bit of time until things are back up to par if you know what I mean.

std check ups

#7: Keep yourself checked for STI’s/STD’s.

This is good practice for everyone who is sexually active and there is no shame in keeping that information current. But, this is even more important for those cam models who are playing with other people in their shows. It doesn’t matter if you’re “only playing with women” either, women can spread sexually transmitted diseases just as easily as men can.

Please, this is your life and no amount of money is worth dying over. Only play with someone that can provide proof (that’s current) that they are clean and if you’re going to share toys, keep them clean and strongly consider using condoms on the toys, and/or with the other person as well.

28 day menstrual cycle

#8: Plan for menstrual cycles.

If you’re having periods, you’re probably wondering what the heck you can do during that week in your cam shows. Well, you actually have a few options.

First, you could totally go low-key during that week and limit what you do. This could include things like:

  • Using toys over your underwear
  • Clitoral stimulation while focused on your face as you orgasm
  • Blow jobs on toys/with partner
  • Oil/sensual massage show

If you still want to perform, you can do that too with a little planning. Tampons with a cut string can easily be hidden from view, although this will only allow for clitoral stimulation. You can use a Diva Cup, which allows for some stimulation with a toy or your fingers, just be careful you don’t bump the cup out of place.

There are different types of birth control that make menstrual cycles lighter or completely take them away, as well. Talk to your gynecologist about what would work for best for you, but your options include a sponge (please do not use a bath sponge, this is a special type of birth control), an IUD, and some types of birth control pills.

Conclusion: Taking Care of You is Important

As a cam girl, your brand is you. For you to make money, you need to make sure that you’re healthy, looking your best, and feeling good, mentally and physically. If even one of these things is “off,” it can not only affect your shows, it can ruin your cam career before you’ve even got it going. So, my dears, make sure you’re doing everything possible to take care of your fitness and health and I promise you, it will make your cam shows better and bring in those bigger bucks to your bank account.

Cam To Cam Advice

Today, even though there are many free group chat cam sites (you know, those Streamate gold shows), it’s still really, really popular for fanatics to want a one on one or cam to cam chat. That’s something that I get requests for pretty much daily. However, if you’re new to camming and consumers don’t know you, then you might not get as many requests initially. Regardless, you need to know how to handle the exclusive chats. I’ve provided you with some 1-on-1 chat advice if you plan on doing these types of shows (which you should)!

cam to cam

Cam To Cam Advice From An Active Model

I’ll kick this off by stating the obvious…camming isn’t always an easy job, even though many people don’t consider a cam modeling gig an actual job at all! Well, I promise you, working as a webcam model is definitely a job and one that you have to do well to make decent money at if you hustle.

The question I get from a lot of girls looking at starting their cam career is, “How do I successfully do cam shows?” I mean, that’s pretty much your bread and butter and if you’re not doing it right, you’re not going to make bank. But, what is right?

If you’re considering becoming a cam girl and you’re curious as to how to do a cam show, keep reading to find out my “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of performing on your webcam so you’ll be the next sex kitten success.

broadband internet speed

How to Get Started-Set Up Your Equipment

Since camming is definitely a business (your business, isn’t that amazing?), you need the right equipment before you can even think about getting started. Before you can have world-class cam shows, you need a computer or laptop with high-speed broadband. The absolute minimum I would recommend would be 1.5Mbs, otherwise, your shows are going to lag, and clients are going to get cranky and leave.

The other obvious piece of equipment you need is a pretty good webcam. Don’t skimp here. In fact, if you want to up your game, get a few webcams that will show you from different angles and even better, get cams with remote control capability.

The more your clients can see and the more control you have of your best angles, the better your shows and the more moolah you’re going to make.

bedroom lighting

Figure Out Those Lighting and Camera Settings

What’s the most important thing? Well, it just may be cam girl lighting. Once you have your webcam and computer ready, you need to play around with settings and lighting.

Lighting is as important for a webcam model as a traditional fashion model. When you’re on the cam, you want to look your best and trust me, lighting can highlight your assets and hide those things you’re not as enthused with about your body.

Practice recording yourself and play around with color saturation, so you don’t look washed out. This is easily adjusted on your computer. And definitely avoid using natural daylight or direct artificial light-both make you either look too shadowed or too bright.

Choose Your Cam Site

This step is a little trickier, especially because there are so many cam sites out there. There are many things to consider when you choose a site, including:

  • Pay-per-minute vs. Tips-based
    • Tips-based sites are a great way to get your feet wet in the camming world, but you’re totally dependent on people showing up when you’re there. Pay-per-minute sites are typically for girls with a following of steady clients that pretty much arrange their schedules around the shows.
  • Larger established site vs. Smaller, lesser-known site
    • Big sites have a ton of girls and a ton of competition. Smaller sites just don’t always have the traffic. You want to find a site that has a nice balance.
  • Consider fetish work
    • Girls that have a particular marketable fetish often have an easier time finding a place for themselves on the bigger sites. Men like women that aren’t afraid to be a little kinky, so definitely give it some consideration.

Once you have decided on a cam site, you’ll want to set up your profile. You want to stand out from the crowd, and this is where you’ll do that.

Make sure that you complete the profile in full and make it fun and flirty, choose an easy to remember username, and seriously consider having pro pictures taken of yourself to upload.

This is your introduction to your potential clients, and you want to lure them in, so they’ll watch your shows and hopefully get hooked on you!

Finally, I always make sure to list the things I won’t do on my cam shows in my profile. Look, you’re going to get some really weird guys.

These guys are totally going to want you to do things you’re not comfortable with, so its best to head that off at the pass as much as you can. Make sure you’re direct and never feel badly if you don’t feel comfortable doing something on your show.


It’s Showtime!

Now that you’ve got all your ducks in a line, it’s time for that cam show to get rolling. You’re going to be nervous; we all are during our first few shows.

This is totally normal and before long, you’re going to be a pro that doesn’t get those nervous butterflies anymore, and instead, you’re going to be addicted to the accolades you’re going to get.

The best way to get yourself acclimated to being sexy on camera is to adopt a persona that isn’t “you”. I mentally give myself a sexy name and alter-ego that just makes men melt. Adopt a naughty version of yourself and you’ll be amazed how it increases your on-screen confidence.

I also like to get props, such as sex toys, sexy outfits, and lingerie, experiment with wigs, glasses, and makeup, and as much as I hate to say this, I make sure that my work area is clean, neat, and looks inviting.

Do not try to do your shows in a dirty room with clothes everywhere and looking like you’re a slob. No guy is turned on by that; remember, they’re paying for a fantasy and you need to keep that fantasy going.

Here are some other “Do’s” I would recommend when you’re doing your cam shows:

  • Smile and stay positive
    • Yes, this seems simple, but many girls go into this so nervous that they don’t remember to smile. More smiles equal more tips/pay, trust me on this one. And unless your fetish work/persona involves being stern, mean, or dominant, keep an upbeat attitude as well.
  • Make a plan
    • Just like any other job, camming requires some preparation for your shows. This includes what things you’ll do (or not do), what toys you have available, and what things you’ll offer (games, high tip prizes, videos, photos). Disorganized shows don’t get repeat clients.
  • Move around
    • Sitting like a brick is not a turn on. Guys want to see a real woman and they want to see your body. Touch yourself, giggle, flip your hair, put those boobs into their faces. Do whatever works!
  • Wear what you’re comfortable in
    • If you’re not comfortable in super slutty looking clothing, don’t wear it. Your clients will pick up on that. Consider dressing for the persona you’ve created, like a tomboy would wear sports jerseys and knee-high socks, or if you’re nerdy, wear fandom clothes and nerd glasses. Experiment with what works for you.
  • Encourage your clients to ask for what they want
    • Some guys are shy and need to be drawn out of their shells so its great to make yourself feel approachable. Encourage them to ask you to do things.
  • Have water ready
    • You’re going to be talking A LOT. You’re going to get super thirsty. Having water, or whatever beverage you enjoy, on hand, will make that a much easier thing to deal with and you won’t have to get up and leave your show, which is a huge tip killer.

Now that you’ve gotten the “Do’s,” here are some “Don’ts” for cam shows.

  • Don’t overdo it with drinking on camera
    • Girlfriend, a drunk cam show is a no-no. Yes, you’ll feel more relaxed and you may do more in a show, but you might also do things you’re not ok with or you might blackout. Definitely avoid too much of the alcohol.
  • Don’t be afraid to say no
    • While I recommend encouraging men to ask you for what they’d like to see done, I do this with an asterisk. Don’t feel like you have to do things you aren’t comfortable doing and if someone gets abusive, block them.
  • Don’t overpromise
    • If you start promising men that you’ll do this, that, and the other and something happens that makes it impossible for you to accomplish what you’ve promised, you’re underdelivering and I promise you that you’ll lose clients. Only promise things you can actually get done.
  • Don’t move too fast
    • If you are having a show and you do everything you’re asked without a little buildup, do you think men will get excited and stick around, which means you’ll earn more money? The answer is, “No”. If men are given everything they want right away, they leave. There is no incentive to stick around. Go slow, but not too slow. Guys that are bored will leave too.

Don’t Forget…

Every cam girl started somewhere, and nobody knew everything from the start. There is a definite learning curve that every single cam model has to go through and you’re going to make mistakes. However, if you remain patient, respectful, and you continue to improve yourself and your shows, there is no doubt that you’ll become a successful cam model.

Now, if you need more advice, just head back to my homepage and read more articles. You’ll be fine, I know it.

How To Remain Anonymous

Becoming a webcam model isn’t for everyone. I mean, not every woman (or man) can get on camera and play with themselves for money, but if you can, camming is a great way to make some pretty legit money.

Now, one of the first things I’m asked by someone who is considering becoming a webcam model is, “How do you stay anonymous? I really don’t want my dad, cousin, uncle, *insert any male family member of friend here*, to see me doing this, ya know?” And of course, I totally get that.

But, if you’re thinking of becoming a webcam model and the one thing holding you back is whether you can stay anonymous while raking it in, let me assure you it is totally possible. In fact, many camgirls have successful careers and keep themselves completely under the radar without revealing who they are.

Here’s how they do it and how you can do it too.

how to remain anonymous

Five Ways to Stay Anonymous as a Webcam Model

In these modern times, it can be pretty difficult to keep your identity completely private. But, it isn’t impossible if you follow a few easy tips.

#1: Never Give Out Your Personal Information.

This one sounds like common sense, but I’ve seen a few girls make this mistake. When you’re setting up as a webcam model, you never want to give out any information that could be traced back to you.

That means changing your name for camming, no email address, home address, phone number, social media pages, or anything else that could be easily tracked by someone on the internet who has minimal searching skills.

When you’re becoming a webcam model and you want to stay anonymous, use a completely separate email address, consider a different phone number/phone if you plan on getting into erotic texting, a P.O. Box for any gifts you may be sent, and never link to any social media. I mean, do you want Grandma discovering her little sweetheart is touching herself for money?

anonymous camming

#2: Hide Your Face.

Masks are one of the most common practices used by webcam models who want to keep themselves anonymous. Typically, this means not showing your face on camera or using a mask.

Girls who have smokin’ hot bodies and aren’t afraid to do some of the more sexy things on camera can get away with this, especially when you have men who get turned on by not knowing who you are. You do have to realize, though, that this often means you won’t get paid as much by guys who do want to see your face, but if that doesn’t bother you, a mask may be the answer.

Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible. Working for a camgirl company often means you will have certain requirements to follow and those include showing your face for at least part of the show or when you’re wearing the mask, you provide a form of identification so the site owners can be sure you’re legal. And some of these companies won’t allow masks at all, even the sexy masquerade types.

I understand that these cam companies e.g. need to make sure that only those who are legal are doing shows, I mean, nobody wants to get busted for allowing minors to perform in a sexual manner.

So, if you decide to do shows through a cam site, make sure you read their terms before you begin and determine where they stand on the use of masks and face hiding during a show.

#3: Change Up Your Appearance.

If you’re not able to wear a mask per the requirements of whatever cam site you’re working for, you could always try changing up your appearance. I’m not talking plastic surgery, no, I’m talking wigs, contact lenses, glasses, or other types of disguises or costumes.

Seriously, if you wear wigs, play around with your makeup, and consider fake glasses or contact lenses, you can absolutely change the way you look. I mean, look at drag queens and transsexuals! They go from men to women and many times nobody is the wiser!

Oh, and if you’ve got identifying tattoos or beauty marks, learn how to cover them up. Some of the makeup on the market now is amazing for that and won’t cost you too much.

#4: Change Up Your Room.

This is another commonsense thing that any camgirl should do if she wants to stay under the radar is to make sure the room she uses for her cam shows is not a room that anyone she knows would recognize. If you’re planning on using your bedroom, that means you’ll want to completely change up the look. This can get tedious to do for every show so you might want to consider a separate space in your home.

When I got started, I made sure to make my room completely different from anything I’d have as my own. I’m not an overly girly-girl in “real life” and my friends and family would never expect that from me, so my cam room became over the top “girl” in décor. This included new bedding, cutesy stuffed animals, frilly pillows, and some cheapy, new furniture. Then I made sure not to let my friends or family that didn’t know about my new career in there.

#5: Geoblock Your Location.

One of the things that is great about working for a cam site is that they understand that not everyone wants to broadcast their shows to their own local area. Because they are sensitive to this fact, most sites allow you to block certain areas from seeing your shows.

So, let’s say you’re in one state and you don’t want anyone from that state seeing your shows, you can block all IP addresses from that state. You can also block other states, which means if you’ve got a boatload of family in, say Colorado, you can block those IP addresses as well.

Again, you’re going to want to check with the terms and conditions of whatever site you’re using for camming, that’s where you’ll find the information on what you can and can’t do with that particular site.

you are banned

Remember: Camming Isn’t Illegal, But Still Not Widely Accepted.

Even if you do every single thing I’ve listed here, it is still possible to be “found out” by someone. Some guys, especially if they’re someone you’ve banned from your shows because of trolling or bad behavior, will want to expose you because, well, because they’re dicks. It doesn’t matter how nice you are, you’re going to end up with disgruntled fans.

If it should happen that your friends or family find out what you’re doing, remember that camming isn’t illegal and if they have a problem with it, that’s their issue.

Things could get a little trickier if you’re working in another job and your employer or future employer finds out, and in most places, you could be terminated legally if they decide to do so, so that’s another thing you may want to consider before you start camming.

Camming really is a great way to earn extra money. Unfortunately, while cam modeling isn’t illegal, it still isn’t widely accepted. This is why you want to do your best to keep yourself anonymous and with these five tips, you should be able to protect your identity, keep the peace with the family, and hopefully keep any lame bosses from finding out what you’re up to on your personal free time.

Banking Advice For Webcam Models

I’ve covered lots of topics over the years. There is so much to discuss when it comes to camming, but one of the most important things just might be related to gettin’ paid and savin’ money. For that, I’ve decided to share what I know about banking and the typical cam models options.

Banking advice

Bank Options & Advice For Cam Girls

Cam modeling is one of those jobs that people consider to be a way to get easy money, but I promise you, it isn’t an easy job. It does, however, have the potential to get you some big bank if you’re good at what you do and take it seriously.

So, what happens when that money starts rolling in? While cam modeling is definitely a legit job, sometimes banking can get a touch tricky. If you’re a cam girl, or someone thinking about starting a career as a cam model, here are some banking tips to make the money management easier.

Consider Your Cam Modeling as a Business

Working as a cam model is essentially running your own business. Sure, it isn’t like you’re a brick and mortar store, but you’re still offering a service and a product (yourself and anything else you decide to sell). Unfortunately, even though you are doing something that is legal and on the up-and-up, banking can be a bit of an issue.

You see, not everyone is going to be ok with dealing with “sex money,” even if it isn’t due to illegal activities. Trust me on this, people are so judgmental, it can be infuriating. And it gets really frustrating when you’re trying to deal with a bank.

If you’re starting to receive money from your cam model work, here are some tips to make sure the process goes smoothly.

  1. Choose the right bank.

It may seem crazy, but you are probably going to want to take a look at the bank you’re currently using to see if they’re adult-friendly. Not all banks out there are going to be accepting of a check or payment from an adult-oriented industry and that can cause you some serious problems.


If your bank is not accepting of adult industry payments and they found out where your money is coming from, they absolutely have the right to freeze your account and you will not have access to any of the funds in your account, whether they are involved in your work or not. Now, they can’t keep that money, but it can sure cause you an annoying disruption, especially if you need that money for camming supplies, rent, car payments, groceries, etc.

If you’re looking at banks, these bigger financial institutions are notoriously against the adult industry:

  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Bank of America
  • American Express
  • PayPal
  • Square

I don’t know if it is strictly morality reasons, you’ll often see in the banks’ terms and conditions that they have a “morality clause”, or they are more worried about fraud and chargebacks, which is entirely a legit worry.

The adult industry is the industry with the highest percentage of people demanding refunds for the payments they made. Imagine a guy with a wife is sending you money for a show and his wife finds out. The husband will then say, “I didn’t charge that, that was fraud” and now claiming he never made the purchase, will demand a refund.

This is also why I totally recommend setting up a business account strictly for your cam modeling services only. If you have another job or another stream of income, keep that separate so if the bank gets weird on you, it shouldn’t affect your other money and you’ll still have access to some bit of money when you need it.

Also, consider using Wells Fargo and Citi Bank. Both of those banks have thus far remained open to the adult industry, however, read those terms and conditions thoroughly before you go with them, it could change at any time.

  1. Be vague with the bank.

No matter what bank you decide to go with, I would really recommend you stay vague with them. Luckily, most cam modeling sites understand the difficulties that are presented by being in the adult industry, so they don’t blast what you’re doing all over your checks and deposits. You definitely shouldn’t either.

IDK Emojis

If you are working as an independent cam model, I would definitely recommend that you create a company for yourself, which you can find information on by a web search, and for the love of all that is good (bad) and pure (impure), do not create a company name with the words “cam,” “sex,” “desires,” “adult,” or anything else that just screams “sex industry.”

Pretty much just assume that you’ll get caught and you’ll have a huge hassle on your hands.

  1. Don’t accept shady payment methods.

As a successful cam model, you’re probably going to have fans all over the world. That’s great and all, but if you want to avoid another banking problem, don’t accept payments from foreign countries, especially those in Africa, the Middle East, or Mexico. Those are total red flags to banks and you’re going to get some questions.

payment options

I would also highly recommend that you don’t accept shady payment methods like Western Union or MoneyGram wire transfers. Con artists use these methods to commit crimes every single day and for some reason, they don’t much care. I suspect that it is because they benefit whether the transfer is legit or not.

  1. Hire a CPA.

I wouldn’t be responsible if I didn’t recommend that you keep this business legal. This means you absolutely must pay your taxes.

I know, I know, that sucks. But, if you think dealing with the bank is difficult, wait until you’re dealing with the IRS. The Feds are no joke, my friends.

A CPA can help you get all the work-related things organized and file your takes properly. Just make sure you keep your receipts from anything you purchase for work and be honest about what you make. Once they show you how to file and what you should be keeping for your financial records, you can probably file taxes yourself in the future.

Oh, and if you’re smart and you don’t want to get hit with a huge tax bill in April, save about 30% of your income. Typically, you’re not going to have taxes taken out of your work checks and you are responsible for that.

The CPA will probably have you send in quarterly payments because that’s what the IRS likes, but I’ve sent a lump sum at tax time and never got a complaint from them. (I did, however, grumble because that lump sum was high and I should have sent in quarterly payments, which are much more doable)

Hopefully, this banking advice for cam models will help you to get started. Just make sure you keep things on the down-low, find an adult-friendly bank, use common sense when accepting payments, and PAY THOSE TAXES!

Pay taxes

Advice on Getting Paid as a Cam Girl

If you’re new to working in the cam girl world, or you’re considering dipping your toe into the adult industry, one of the questions you may have is how you’ll be paid for the work you’re doing.

Unfortunately, because working as a cam girl is considered “sex work”, many major payment processing companies are leery to get involved due to the risky nature of the job.

However, don’t let that get you nervous. There are a few different methods to make sure you get that dough, most of which will depend on the cam site or sites you work for, or if you’re an indie cam girl, how you want to take payments for your shows, content, products, videos, clips and anything else you want to sell.

So, if you’re curious, here are the ways you can get paid as a cam girl.

getting paid

Important Note: Cam Sites Typically Handle the Payment Process

If you’re working for a cam or clip site, that site will typically handle the payments that you receive. Partnering with a cam site has its advantages, and this is one of them. You benefit from the traffic to their site, you don’t have to think too much about how you’ll get paid, you’ll pretty much be guaranteed that you’re actually going to receive legit money, and your information will likely not be compromised.

Now, when you work with a cam network, you do have to remember that they get a cut of what you make before you get your cut. This is usually a percentage to cover overhead costs and profit margins and of course, they want a cut for helping you to get work. They are a business, after all.

Every cam site will have its own payout methods, payout dates, and minimum payouts, which you can find in that sites’ terms and conditions. A site may have many ways to get your money to you, or they may have just one or two. This can include old-school checks, direct deposit, gift cards, and cryptocurrency.

Most Commonly Used Methods for Cam Girl Payouts

If you’re shopping around for a cam site to use, you’re going to want to make sure you read up on the sites you’re considering. Each will be different and if you’re not keen on accepting a certain payout method, you’re going to want to know that before you begin working. Here are the most commonly used methods that cam girl sites use to pay their models:

#1: Checks

Yep, companies still use good old-fashioned paper checks to payout their girls. These are typically sent through the postal service or FedEx and will have a discreet business name so no need to be embarrassed when you take the check to the bank.

This method of payment has the advantage of not having a fee associated with it, unless FedEx or whatever logistics company delivered your check charges one.

The cam and clip sites that use checks as their form of payout include:

  • BongaCams – $50 minimum paid weekly
  • CamSoda – $20 minimum paid weekly
  • CamWithHer – $100 minimum paid bi-weekly
  • Chaturbate – $50 minimum paid daily
  • ManyVids – $100 minimum paid bi-weekly
  • AmateurCommunity – $50 minimum paid bi-weekly

These minimums and payout options are usually for the first check only, but again, check with the company you’re working for and for what their requirements will be for other payout options.

#2: ACH/Direct Deposit

Some sites have upgraded to direct deposit, which is awesome because its definitely quicker and usually has no fees, depending on your bank. Again, these cam companies know that you don’t want sex names and cam sites listed on your banking information, so they’re discreet.

You will have to provide a bank routing number and account number to the cam site so they can do this, so if you’re not comfortable with that, this isn’t the payout method for you.

The cam and clip sites using ACH/Direct Deposit include:

  • BongaCams – $50 minimum paid weekly
  • CamSoda – $20 minimum paid weekly
  • CamWithHer – $100 minimum paid bi-weekly
  • Chaturbate – $50 minimum paid daily
  • Flirt4Free – No minimum paid bi-weekly
  • BentBox – $100 minimum paid monthly
  • IndieBill – $100 minimum paid bi-weekly
  • ModelCentro – $100 minimum paid weekly

Just like with the checks, these minimums and payouts are typically for the first payout, but make sure you read up with the site you’re using.

#3: Wire Transfers

I’m only mentioning wire transfers because the issue does come up on occasion. I would highly recommend that you do not use this method of payment unless you’re an international cam girl. The fees and restrictions are just too great for U.S. cam girls.

However, if you’re going to use a wire transfer, here are a few of the companies that use them:

  • BongaCams – $535 minimum paid weekly with a $35 fee
  • CamSoda – $500 minimum paid weekly
  • StripChat – $500 minimum paid weekly
  • SquarePeep – $100 minimum paid on-demand with a $40 fee

#4: PayPal

PayPal is not the best way for anyone to accept payment for adult services, which are seen as “high-risk” because of chargebacks and people lying that they never watched porn, so they don’t have to pay for it.


The payment site is also notorious for banning users that they suspect are doing anything that they deem “sketchy” and cam work is one of those things. If you are banned, you will lose any money that was in your account and you run the risk of being reported to the IRS.

You should know, there are cam sites that PayPal does deal with a small handful of clip and cam sites, which include:

  • SoulCams – $50 minimum paid twice monthly
  • AdultMemberSites – $25 minimum paid twice monthly
  • SideDaddy – $20 minimum paid weekly
  • SquarePeep – $100 minimum paid on-demand

If you absolutely must use PayPal for your cam work, don’t leave large sums of money in your account so that when, not if, you’re caught, you don’t lose too much.

#5: Giftcards

Amazon gift cards are a common method of payment outside of the cam network. Sure, they’re not traditional money, per se, but they sure spend the same on the biggest shopping site on the internet. Now, Amazon (the wishlist platform) doesn’t like people to take their gift cards as payment for anything, but they really don’t do much about it, so it’s a pretty safe payment method.


#6: Cryptocurrency

I have a feeling that cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, is going to be THE payment method for any type of sex work in the future. This method is discrete, 100% chargeback proof, anonymous, and doesn’t have any fees for transferring.

Most major cam sites deal in Bitcoin, although some will also deal in Etherium and LiteCoin. There are also adult cryptocurrencies like SpankChain, redBux, and JizzCoins, however, you want to be careful in diving into something that is new, so choose your cryptocurrency after some research.

#7: IndieBill

IndieBill is an adult platform for performers that are looking to sell their products and services. This can include content, shows, Snapchat, or your own personal websites. IndieBill has one of the highest payout percentages in the industry at 85% and they pay out bi-weekly through ACH, FirstChoicePay, or wire transfer and any chargebacks are covered.

Another great feature is that IndieBill will build you a personal website for free and it will list all the other places that you can be found, giving you valuable exposure and helping you to make that money!

What About Venmo and Zelle?

I know you’re probably looking at this list and wondering where Venmo, Zelle, and the e-wallet options are. Truthfully, most e-wallet companies won’t deal with anyone in the U.S. because of our strict laws, and Venmo and Zelle are pretty poor options, much like PayPal, because of the risk of chargebacks, fraud, canceled accounts, and frozen funds.

Venmo icon

The best piece of advice I can give to an aspiring cam girl is to work with whatever payment method your chosen cam site(s) use, be very wary of anyone looking to send you money “off-site”, research cryptocurrency if you’re considering that and avoid places that could keep your hard-earned money if they think you’re doing something they consider wrong, like PayPal, Zelle, and Venmo.

After all, you’re not doing this out of the kindness of your heart, and you deserve to be paid for what you’re doing.

How Much Money Can Cam Girls Make?

It’s your girl Sarah here again. I’m covering a hot, hot topic that most girls want to know about before getting in the trenches. I’m talking about that moolah! We all love the benjamins chat so let’s get these coins rolling! 🙂

raining money

Truthfully, the question of, “How much money can cam girls make?” is probably the most common question I get about being a cam girl right after, “What does being a cam girl involve?” And, honestly as a cam girl, your earning potential can be unlimited. It really depends on what site you’re working for, how much you want to work, and how you market yourself.

cam girl money

How Much Money Can You Make Camming? Find Out!

It’s important to keep in mind that whatever site you choose to work for will most likely keep a portion of the money you make. Cam sites will host your videos and stream your shows, but typically they keep 20%-70% of your profits, so you want to choose your site wisely, read their rules and restrictions, and review the tipping system, which is often in tokens and not dollars.

Spending time on your cam is very important and you’re going to be on there a lot. But, it isn’t the only way you’re going to make your money. In fact, you should think of your cam time as your way of advertising and marketing yourself.

You want the men or women who are watching you to be interested in you and what product you’re selling, which is essentially you. This means that you need to be exciting, sexy, put together, and acting in a manner that convinces the paying customers that you are very much into them, whether you really are or not. The more you can be the girl they’re dreaming about, the higher your income potential.

When you are just starting out as a cam girl, you’re probably not going to be raking in the big dough initially and there may even be days in the beginning where you bring in nothing, but don’t let it frustrate you. How much you bring in will also depend on the cam site you’re using, as they will each have their own popularity and busy times. Realistically, as a hard-working cam girl starting out, expect approximately $50-$100 a night.

However, once you’ve gotten a feel for things and you’ve built up a regular clientele, it is not out of the realm for you to make a few hundred to over $1,000 per night. But, do not limit yourself to just the private shows and videos you can offer on your cam site profile.

Other Income Streams for Cam Girls

When most people think of getting started as a cam girl, they’re only thinking of the cam shows they put on. And yes, those can bring you some extra cash and get your foot in the door, but they’re not the only way to make money.

First, do not limit yourself to only selling your videos and pictures on your cam site. Clip sites like Erotifix, ManyVids, and SideDaddy can increase your income and get your name out there. You can also set up subscription services on these sites.

Subscription services are just what they sound like. You post new pics and videos and your fans will pay to get access to your content. However, you do have to keep the content fresh or your customers will back out, so make sure you keep up with it.

You can also sell subscriptions through Snapchat and Instagram, if you want to keep things more mainstream. I recommend that you consider cross-marketing yourself across multiple platforms, it only increases your income potential.

If you’re someone who has some extra time on your hands, you might want to consider sex phone work, whether it is actually speaking on the phone or through sexting. You do not have to give out your real phone number, you can use services like Kik, TalktoMe, SkyPrivate, and NiteFlirt to keep things safer for you.

And trust me, men LOVE hearing your voice or reading dirty little messages through their day, so they’re willing to pay for that!

kik for cams

One way to make extra money that cam girls don’t think about is selling their personal items. I’m not talking on eBay or Etsy, either. When you have fans, they’re willing to pay for a piece of you. This may be something non-sexual you may think about creating if you’re crafty. It very well could be your worn panties, stockings, or naughty crafts, like Pussy Pops.

Besides getting paid in money, you can also set up a wish list on Amazon for gift payments. Men like to be generous and they love gifting. Either that or they may have a fetish where they love to send somthing related to their sexual fantasy.

Whatever the reason, pick a variety of things; some items that are affordable and some that are dream items, set your list to public, and make sure you post it to your profile. I would strongly suggest that you set up a P.O. box as well, just to keep your address completely anonymous.

Amazon Wishlists

All of these ways to make extra money as a cam girl require you to be proactive. You’ve got to do something if you want to make something. But, if you’re looking for a passive method to earn extra money, consider affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is just pointing your fans and customers to another website. It could be something you’re into, it could be another sex site, or it could really be anything. Each site will be unique in how you’re going to make money from this; it could be pay-per-referred-click or it could be a percentage of what the referred person spends on the site.

Either way, you’re making money without doing much of anything, and isn’t that what we’d all like to do?

If you’re considering working as a cam girl, welcome to the club! You’re embarking on a fun and fascinating journey. The journey has the potential to make you a nice chunk of change. Yes, that change is earned on your terms.

As long as you put in the necessary work, you could make upwards of $1,000 a day as a cam girl. Not sure where to start? Well, I’m killing it right now using more than anything. Here’s the model registration form if interested in trying it out.

Q & A Session About Cam Girls

Yaaas! It’s Q&A time with yours truly! As you may or may not know, I’ve been a full-time cam model for years and I’ve been doing my best to help share some insight on a few things that girls have asked me over the years. There are so many questions that lots of cam models (and consumers) don’t ask. I’m sharing knowledge on some topics that people have asked me over the years. I wanted to publish them here today for you and the rest of my readers. Feel free to contact me via this page if you have any other questions. I’m happy to answer them all! 🙂

ask me anything cam model

Common AMA Cam Model Questions & Answers

Here goes nothing! All the questions and answers you need from me (more about me at the bottom of the post if you’re new to the blog).

Do cam girls have to do cam2cam in private sessions?

There is often a misconception that all cam girls have to do cam2cam private sessions. This is false and in fact, there are many out there using various platforms that only do group shows, gold shows or whatever lingo the platform uses for public group chat sessions.

Some models do decide to do private shows without enabling the cam2cam function. That’s completely up to you and the customer on whether or not you wish to each participate in that type of show.

In fact, there are LOTS of cam models that make TONS OF MONEY just by simply talking to users and putting on twerk shows. The girls that have mastered their twerk skills (like myself) can really profit major doing this!

Do cam girls have pimps?

Cam girls DO NOT have pimps. It doesn’t work like you think, with pimp bosses running these models. Quite the contrary actually. It’s a VERY PROFESSIONAL and SAFE alternative to escort work. There are professional cam studios that exist and they do to a certain extent manage the models, but it’s all done in a legal and professional manner.

The one awesome thing about this profession is that it allows models to set their own schedules and be their own boss in a safe environment.

In other words, no pimps are in this industry running these things. It’s a safe and reputable occupation with many reputable cam studios in the United States and other parts of the world. Oh, I’d like to add that models can also do whatever they feel most comfortable doing.

If talking is all they want to do, then they can do just that and nothing else. It really boils down to their personal comfortableness and what they want, not what a typical boss requires of them. Again, another one of the pros of camming today!

Do cam girls get contracts?

If you’re a really, really, really popular webcam model with hundreds of thousands of followers and a major social media following, then you can get a contract.

However, for the most part, a lot of these girls are using multiple platforms to connect with cam site users. I’ve heard of some super famous pornstars getting contracts with Camsoda and Streamate (read the review here), but that’s a rare case.

Do cam girls become involved with customers?

Most of the time, the smart cam model will keep an arms-length distance from their customers. I always keep a certain distance because I like to act professionally at all times. These cam consumers can be really clingy at times and literally plan their day around the model showtimes. Which is great because you can make lots of money!

That said, if you’re a cam model and you’re getting close to some of these consumers then you might be better off keeping things professional and not getting too close. Ideally, it’s best to not get physically or emotionally involved with the consumers (or models), regardless of what side of the coin you’re on.

Can you gift cam girls iTunes gift cards?

This one is is a common consumer question and the answer is…of course! You can gift cam girls anything you want, especially iTunes gift cards and Amazon Wish List items. Many of the models will share their Wish Lists, PayPal, Bitcoin, and all that jazz. If you’re a cam girl and you’re reading this article and the site you’re camming on allows you to share the data, the DO IT! If you’re a consumer and you find a Wish List, then buy something or donate. It will go a long way.

Can teachers be cam girls?

Yup! There are actually a lot of cam models that spend time camming when they’re not doing work in the classroom. Actually, now that I think of it, there are some REALLY FAMOUS cam models who use the word “teacher” in their names.

This is something that I recommend doing if you’re either a) really a teacher or b) looking to build that teacher-like persona via your modeling.

Can non-nude cam girls make money?

There’s a reason why cam sites have non-nude categories for consumers. Many consumers out there are into the CFNM type stuff and these non-nude categories cater to those fetishes. I’d say if you can play a sexy clothed female role in the CFNM type scenario then you’ll be able to make a ton of money online!

Can an “ugly” girl make money as webcam girl?

There is a saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that holds true for sure. What one may see as being ugly, another may see as beautiful.

So, with that being said, it’s still very possible for an ugly girl to make money. More importantly, you’d be better off trying to build your confidence. Spend less time worrying about being ugly and more time finding customers to chat with.

Can I be a cam model with belly fat?

This one is a stupid question but frequently asked. There are all types of models camming today and not all of them have flat stomachs. In fact, some people like the bigger more chubby girls. It’s a fetish called BBW and SSBBW. Don’t worry about your belly fat, you will make money if you put on a smile and have a great personality!

Well, those are the questions that most people want to know but are afraid to ask. If you’re a model looking to cam for money, then do yourself a favor and kick things off via Camsoda’s platform. If you need motivation and more tips, then keep reading my blog for more info.

I’d like to wrap things up by saying that being a cam model has really changed my life. It’s one of the safest and most rewarding things that I’ve ever done. I have never felt better about myself and I’m profiting in every way possible. You can too, trust me!

Think Different, Not Better

Famous words to live by (literally) and they were said by none other than Apples own Steve Jobs. He knew what he was talking about, obviously. Although he was speaking in terms of computers, it really is a great motto to live every aspect of your life by.

Stop looking at competition and thinking of how you can do things better than them. Think about how you can do things differently. For example, you watch another cam girls room. You say to yourself “Man, she is really awesome at the hard sell.” She’s constantly pushing for a sale, like a used car salesman that never gives up and never lets you leave without signing on the dotted line. Now, you try and copy what she’s doing down to a T and you may be successful, hell, you may even be better… but let’s think for a second about how we could do things differently instead. How about mixing soft sells with hard sells? Mixing the art of the hard sell and using it with a subtle sell delivery.

When it comes down to it, there is nothing that you can do that will ever be exactly the same as what another person does. That’s why you can always tell the difference between an original and a copy. Sure, they might be almost identical but they never quite match up. Why would anyone want to be a copy of something else anyway?

Let’s take an example of affiliates for big box cam sites. A lot of models do not like white labels because there a few bad eggs that unfortunately give a bad name to the whole bunch. The models complain about them recording their shows, posting them on tube sites, tweeting out their pics without tagging them, associating them with not so good studios, the list goes on and on. Constantly there is something going on in this realm. There is always a model who is trying to get their shows taken down off of an affiliates site only to get the run around by said affiliate.

The models are upset because their brand is being used and they aren’t getting any type of credit for it, and if they point it out then they are talked to like they aren’t worth a damn. It can be a pretty nasty system. So here’s where the “Think different, not better” comes in. Instead of thinking about how affiliates should do things better (which we all know will not be changing any time soon.) We should be thinking about how we can do things differently. Imagine if 10 models created white labels, and then also created affiliate programs for said white label. Then each model signed up for the others affiliate program, and traded promo content for each other. All of a sudden, instead of having the affiliates steal your content and not give you credit… you as the model are taking control, and all of the models are making each other money by using the models affiliate link when they use their brand to promote their white label. Still with me?

It doesn’t get rid of the problem, but if you can’t get out of it, then you might as well get into it. This would put much more industry control in the hands of the models, as well as provide a supportive

community for everyone to come together and constantly make each other money. Next thing you know, the affiliates that aren’t models don’t have the same type of access to the promo materials (because models aren’t creating it voluntarily for them, like they are for the models they are signed up as affiliates with) and so who starts to be the big bread winners? The models.

Another example is Snapchat. Models started out on snapchat with either just a public snapchat or a private snapchat. Then after debating on how to do it better, most models created two separate accounts, one for the public and one for the premium. This is all well and good and serves its purpose, however, it’s a lot of work to run two separate accounts. So instead of doing things better, how about we do them a little differently? Create ONE snapchat account and run your private and your premium from the same account. (You can do this by going to your settings and changing who can view your story from Public to CUSTOM. Even after you switch back to public view, the snaps posted on your storyline during the custom setting will only be viewable by those who were on the approved list.) Voila! A way to do things differently.

Are you picking up what I’m laying down yet? Obviously the examples above are just that…examples. You can mix and match and try different things out to see what works for you and what doesn’t. But the truth of the matter is that until we stop trying to be cookie cutter versions who compete with each other using the same type of style and hustle, we won’t be living up to our maximum potential. So I urge you, I implore you to start doing yourself a favor and when you are getting ready to log on to your cam room, or film a new video, or start a new project… that you take a second and start think different, not better.

Webcam Competition

Competition breeds success. I will take that to the bank, even though half of you reading this will probably disagree with me. I suppose it’s a matter of opinion (even though I’m right!)

What am I referring to when I say that phrase? I’m speaking on why it’s OKAY to help out other models in the industry. It’s OKAY to share trade secrets. It’s OKAY to allow them to succeed along with you. It’s OKAY to let people know about camming, it doesn’t have to always be in the shadows.

Woah.. Calm down. I know that a lot of models will disagree with me on that last point. I have gotten into many debates about whether or not camming should stay exclusive and in the shadows of the deep dark interwebs. A lot of you feel as though the more girls that come in and saturate the industry, the harder it becomes to make money. I see why you would think that, and I don’t disagree that the more saturated the industry the tougher the competition. But I can’t help but feel like saying things like “We don’t want more models!” “Great, another documentary that’s going to bring even more competition” and other ridiculous, whiny statements are a cop out. That’s right, I said it. Deal with it.

When did people start looking at competition like it was a negative thing? You think that the top athletes in the world got there by bitching about how there were so many other athletes that were also good at the sport, so it isn’t fair because now they don’t look as good? No, that’s ridiculous. They trained harder, they adapted to the situation, they learned the weaknesses of their toughest competitors and they turned those weaknesses into their strengths. They succeeded because the competition forced them to become better, stronger, faster. (If you’re listening to a playlist, I recommend Kanye’s Stronger for this segment.)

How about McDonalds? You think they worry themselves over how Burger King and Wendys are doing? You’re damn right they do, but they don’t sit there and bitch about it, all of those companies are constantly innovating to come out with the next best thing.

That’s just the way that the cookie crumbles, and for every time a model complains about competition, a fairy loses its wings.

What it ends up turning into is this ridiculous back and forth of models being their own worst enemy and them trying to tear down other models behind their backs. They don’t want any documentaries to come out because they are afraid that a thousand new girls will show up in the cam world and make them obsolete.

How about instead of holding each other down and hoping that the competition isn’t going to be intense, we all start to raise each other up? How about we start supporting each other, giving each other advice, helping each other make money? How about we raise the bar. Because once that bar is raised is when the industry is going to be held to a higher standard all around. You don’t like the guys that come into your room and ask what they can get for $1? If we all created strong competition, only the best would survive, and the $1 guys would eventually be non existent because the girls charging $1 would either work harder to become one of the best, or wouldn’t be good enough to stay in the industry. We set our own standards.

I understand that for some of you, that might sound harsh, and I’m not denying the fact that it is. I’m also not denying the fact that I would rather work in an industry where it’s the top 1% and it is constantly challenging me to improve my craft so I don’t fall behind, then to work in one where I get to stay stagnant and live in a delusional world where I think I’m the best around.

When I first got into the camming industry, I said that I had never met a group of women that were more supportive than my fellow cam models, and I stick by that statement today. Whether that’s because those are the only types of models that I surround myself with or because I am choosing to highlight the positives over the extreme cattiness and sabotage that can also take place… I’m not sure.

What I am sure of is how sad it makes me to see models tearing each other down instead of building each other up. Seeing models complain about not being able to make money because of what someone ELSE is doing. For the love of god ladies, stop being a victim. Realize that if other models are taking your money it’s because you have been out hustled. Work harder to improve and adapt your hustle, or choose a different career because mediocrity shouldn’t exist within a luxury service. Period.

I don’t know about all of you, but I would rather be the worst cam model out of 100 amazing ones, then the best model out of thousands of mediocre.

Let’s innovate together, and help others become the type of models that we all should be. We’ll all make more money in the long run if the bar is set to a higher standard, and the only way to do that is across the board, raising each other up.

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