Tag - mfc cam score

Myfreecams Camscore

How does Cam Score work on Myfreecams?

​Myfreecams is the largest live cam site in the industry with over 15 million registered users.​ With the site being so popular, you can imagine the high number of models that are camming on the site. To really get noticed and get better placement on the site, you’ll need to improve your camscore. The models with the highest camscores appear first on the site. Members can adjust their setting to show models in a different order, but most don’t and the default is by camscore.

When you first start out on Myfreecams, you get a “new model” tag next to your name. Make sure you take advantage of this! Your new model tag will get you added traffic in your room because a lot of guys look for new model. They want to be the first to meet you and make a good impression for when you hit the big times! 🙂 Your new model tag only lasts for your first ten hours of camming, so be sure to check out the site and figure out how everything works before you start broadcasting. This way you’ll be ready to go and won’t have to waste any time learning the site and features. Your first ten hours on cam is when you really need to focus hard on your camscore. If you don’t get it high enough, you’ll lose a ton of traffic once your tag goes away. But if you raise it to a high enough level to get you in the first few lines of the site, you’ll continue to get exposure and new fans.

Your camscore on MFC is based on the amount of tokens (the currency on the site) that you earn over a certain period of time. Your placement on the site is determined solely by your camscore, so it’s important to keep it up. If your camscore is at a level that you’re comfortable with and is getting you a decent amount of paying customers in your room, it’s important to maintain or improve that score. You can do this by setting goals for yourself and not signing off for the night until you reach them. To keep your camscore at the same level, you’ll need to make sure you’re earning about the same amount of tokens every day or week. For example, if you made $1000 one week and you’re comfortable with where that put your ranking on the site, you’ll need to make sure you earn $1000 or more in the coming weeks to prevent your camscore from dropping.

Myfreecams doesn’t tell their models the period of time in which your current camscore is based off of, but they give you this example: let’s say the time period is 60 days. Well if you had a huge day 61 days ago, you may notice your camscore drop suddenly because now that days earnings isn’t calculated into your current camscore. So don’t take days off just because you have one or two big days. Continue to stick to your normal schedule, otherwise you might lose all of the progress you made.

The default camscore for when you first start out on Myfreecams is 1000. You’ll notice it quickly fluctuating your first few days based on how well you’re doing in regards to earning tokens. The median camscore on the site is 600. That means about half the models on the site have a camscore above 600 and half have a camscore below 600. Your camscore is re-calculated every 4-6 hours, but only if you’ve logged into the site since the last time it was calculated.

As I talk about in this article, MFC might not be the best cam site to start off on because of the camscore rating system. I’d suggest trying out another site first that bases your ranking on other factors besides just the amount of money you earn on the site. That way you’ll feel comfortable on cam and already know what works and doesn’t work for you.

Please do not copy my site!

