Tag - cam girl motivating tips

Motivating Yourself As A Cam Model

Keeping yourself Motivated as a webcam model

To most people, the idea of being your own boss, making your own hours, and working from home sounds very appealing. But as with any job, there are still many struggles that you’ll have to deal with if you decide to become a cam model.​ One of the big struggles you’ll face is motivating yourself. Since you don’t have a boss to yell at you and since you can’t get in trouble or fired for not working, it can sometimes be easy to take a day off even though you know that you should be camming.

One of the main motivating factors for any cam model is money. If you aren’t working, you aren’t getting paid. It’s as simple as that. Just because you have a big day where you made more money than you were expecting, doesn’t mean you should take a day off. Instead, use that as motivation to do it again and have another big day. In the long run, you’ll feel a lot better about yourself if you work than if you decide to be lazy. Put it into this scenario: let’s say you doubled your goal one day so you decide to take the next day off. But what if you had worked that second day and doubled your goal again? Could you imagine how great that would feel?! That feeling of accomplishment most definitely would outweigh the feeling you’d get if you took the day off instead.

If you want to be a top cam model, you need to cam often. Consistency is also very important. Set yourself a schedule and stick to it. Let your fans know when you’re gonna be online by mentioning it on social media. Attach a picture of what you look like that day to your post. Tweets with pictures attract more attention, so more people will see it and be tempted to check out your cam room. The more time you’re online, naturally the more exposure you’re gonna get.

I’ve mentioned making to-do lists before, and I’ll mention it again! I find to-do lists to be a great motivating tool. It feels so good to be able to check everything off of your list and know that you accomplished everything you wanted to get done for the day. If you make a to-do list the night before, you may feel guilty if you don’t finish everything on the list. That feeling of guilt might just be the thing you need to motivate yourself to work and get everything done that you had planned to.

Another motivating factor is working during peak hours. Once you’ve been camming for a little bit, you’ll be able to figure out which days and times work best for you and when you earn the most amount of money. Again, money is definitely a great motivating factor. If you force yourself to get on cam during your peak hours, you’ll save yourself the time and frustration of trying to cam when things are slow. Slow days and hours can be really frustrating. It’s also time-consuming. If you just get on cam during your best performing hours, you can spend the extra time you save working on other things such as custom content, editing, shooting new content, or even just getting in a couple of hours of alone time.

I mentioned earlier that having a good day where you exceed your goal and then taking a day off is a bad idea. But taking some time off for yourself is needed. Sometimes just taking a short break to unwind or work on a hobby can help reset everything and be just the thing you need to motivate yourself. When you do take a break, plan out the amount of time you’re gonna relax for. Set an alarm if you need to. Just make sure you do get back to work after your break is over. As Shia LaBeouf famously said, “DO IT! JUST DO IT!”.

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